I am happy to announce!
epoch_qwert has created a new wargame site called "hacking.allowed".
The first challenges are the same as on thebackupbox, but there await you also a lot of new exploits.
The level layout has changed from the linear one-by-one to a non-linear sheme, so you can try each challenge without solving the preceding ones.
Again the box is running NetBSD and you are also welcome trying to own the box completely. Thus he called it "hacking.allowed".
Beside having fun with the challenges you get a free shell account too, and would also be allowed to host small html-only websites.
Personally it's nice to see epoch is still creating challenges, and offers us the opportunity to become real *nix hackers.
Of course we both wish you
Happy Challenging!
I am happy to announce!
A brand new site has joined the wechall network.
The site is from ynori7, CPUkiller and Orpheus, and was not planned to be a challenge site, more focused on papers, articles and tutorials, all about the bit's and bytes we are interested in.
After a few months of coding they decided to add challenges too, and participate in the wechall project.
Currently the site is hosted via dyndns on their very own computers, but maybe this will change, as their stuff looks promising.
We hope you will enjoy this contribution to the world wide web, and wish you
Happy Challenging!
Suprise, Suprise!
Security Override has joined the wechall network and is participating in the global rankings.
The site is from the United States and around 3-4 years old. It offers well implemented challenges from all the well known categories, and also quite some realistic webhacking challenges.
The SSH challenges are currently offline, but i hope they will get revoked again.
All in all i can say the challenges are fun and the community is worth to check out.
Many thanks go out to their admins, especially NullSet for implementing the required scripts.
We all wish you
Happy Challenging!
I am happy to announce,
wargame.kr has joined the wechall network and has been put into the rankings.
This site from Blueh4g is around 3 months old and currently offers 21 challenges.
He created this site to possibly share his findings from his studies of computer security.
We both hope you will enjoy the challenges there and wish you
Happy Challenging!
I am happy to announce,
Right-Answer has joined the wechall network.
It is a brand-new site which offers currently 61 challenges from the following categories:
Math, Logic, Programming, Crypto, Hacking, Stegano.
The site is only one or two months old, with a fresh minimalistic design and is available in French.
According to the admin, Zathuros, the current problems should turn out to be quite easy, and he is searching people who would like to contribute stegano or hacking challenges.
Many thanks from my side for joining us!
The feeback on the site was not bad, so it is maybe worth to check out, and may it be for some french lessons only 
Last but not least, we wish you
Happy Challenging!
I am happy to announce,
Another site has joined the wechall network and has been put into the rankings.
Hack-Me is a very new challenge site from South Korea and currently offers around 50 challenges from the classic categories:
Web Hacking, Cryptography, Javascript, Exploit and Cracking.
The site is available in Korean and English, and the challenges seem good, as reported from some players.
Because it is only a few months old, you might find tiny errors across the site, but i am sure you will enjoy the challs.
Thanks go out to cherishcat for creating the site and implementing the needed scripts.
As always we wish you
Happy Challenging!
Good news everybody!
Another site has joined the wechall network, and this time it is a site which some of you players were waiting for.
EnigmaGroup has been founded in 2005 and has collected around 18000 active users and 180 challenges.
They are pretty well known among the challenge scene, and sometimes referred to as blackhats.
Rumors say their challenges are pretty good and realistic and it awaits you a collection of the traditional challenge site categories:
exploit, crackit, crypto, stegano, logic, math, java/script, and more.
It is noteful that their crew is running their own security and development company yet they still offer EnigmaGroup as a training playground as a hobby.
Many thanks go out to psychomarine, Ausome1 and aVoid for joining us and implementing the needed scripts.
We all wish you happy challenging!
I am happy to announce ...
Another site has joined the wechall network and is put into the rankings.
µContest is a french site and two months old by now.
Its focus is on dynamic programming challenges and currently there are 22 tasks which await your approval.
To interact with the site and solve the tasks, you can make use of a special microcontest library.
The sourcecode of the library and the communication protocol will be made available soon.
There are currently some issues with some 64 bit systems that will be fixed in the next version.
Many thanks go out to Metatr0n and Eisenheim for writing the needed scripts.
we wish you
Happy Challenging!
I am happy to announce that Webhacking.kr joined the wechall network.
It's the first (South) Korean site that joined, and it currently offers 55 webhacking and exploit challenges.
The sites main language is korean, but mostly the challenge sourcecode and description seems to be in english, so all people can give it a try and show their exploit skills again.
Webhacking.kr is around 2 years old and offers a unique and selfmade interface. It seems a bit buggy here and there and is still in developement, but personally i like the minimalistic approach.
Many thanks go out to oldzombie for writing the needed scripts.
To enter solutions to a challenge, please goto the "Auth" section of the website and try to enter the solution word or the md5sum of it.
Now all that's left to say is:
Happy Challenging!
I am happy to announce,
Another small site, Gekkó, has joined the wechall network since a few days.
It is a new hungarian site with currently 10 challenges involving a storyline.
It is considered to transalte the site to english, if there are volunteers.
Thanks go out to encse for creating the site and the needed scripts!
As always we wish you happy challenging