I am very happy to announce...
http://www.mibs-challenges.de/ joined our small network.
They planed to join a long time ago and finally its all up.
MiBs is a german challenge site, with nice handmade feeling, scripts and challenges.
Thanks go out to MiB for implementing the needed scripts.
Check the site out and ...
Happy Challenging !
New Site and Ranking Changes
I am happy to announce...
https://www.tdhack.com joined as the first polish site on wechall.
Many thanks go out to grimskies for implementing the scripts.
Have fun checking out their site, which is a nicely modded phpbb.
With more sites joining we are thinking about the look and feel of displaying the data.
We will soon introduce a new kind of ranking; ranking by language.
The old global ranking will not display 21 or more different site icons, instead you get presented language scoring there (we are working on a nice looking and informative global ranking).
The old ranking style(with icons) will be shown in seperate pages for each language.
Yes, one more site to play on!
Today TryThis0ne joined WeChall as a member site.
Thanks to cp77fk4r, who implemented the scripts on their side.
Go check it out!
I am happy to announce...
... another challenge site joined us.
warzone.elhacker.net is a popular spanish challenge site with 55 challenges at the moment.
You seem to have to solve easy challenges to be able to access harder ones, and they offer challenges in cracking, cryptography, web-hacking and others.
There is a category named torneo, which means tournament in english and they also have some tutorials about hacking and challenging.
The site will make use the auto-update feature.
Thanks go out to their admin sirdarckcat and i wish everyone
Happy Challenging !
We have implemented some changes to the scoring mechanism.
First of all, now the challengecount is incorporated into a sites score. So sites with a lot of challenges will score higher. This is so that the difference in points per solved challenge doesn't differ so much between sites anymore.
The second change is in the users scores.
Scoring high on a single site now scores a lot more than scoring low on a lot of sites.
So to boost your score you can work on some of those harder challenges on your favourite sites in stead of doing a few simple challenges on a new site.
See also http://www.wechall.net/scoring_faq.php
I am happy to announce....
thisislegal.com joined our network.
It is a new challenge site with around 40 challs and also offers videos and papers around computer challenges and other tuff.
Many thanks go out to its admin.
I set the basescore to 8000 currently, until the automated rescoring takes place. Yes, we are on it !
I wish you all happy challenging !
I am happy to announce hackthissite.org joined us.
They are around since 2003 and have a vast amount of users.
99 nice challenges (by now) await you on this well known english site, and they are adding more.
Many thanks go out to their staff, especially to comperr and xelix for their initiatives.
HackThisSite also helped to increase privacy on wechall and its affiliated networks.
What can i tell more than "Happy Challenging !" 
Edit: to link accounts you need to enable this on your HackThisSite account:
I am happy to announce that another site joined wechall.
It is a brand new spanish challenge site with only a very few challenges at the moment. I settled their basescore to 1000.
They have a wiki project, and i think this might be worth a look.
A wiki about [solving] challenges was also planned for wechall, but it didnt make it yet.
Thanks and Greetings from my side to HQH for creating the scripts.
I am happy to announce that Net-Force joined us 
It is a well known challenge site from the netherlands, with around 90 challenges that await you on a well designed site.
Net-Force offers challenges in the most common categories: Java/script,Crypto,Exploits,Cracking,Programming,Internet and Steganography.
and each section has easy to difficult challenges.
Many thanks go out to marijn for implementing the scripts.
Happy Challenging
After some time of nothing happens on wechall, another site joined us.
Brainquest is a czech riddle site, with focus on stegano, crypto and logic.
There is also an adventure section, which might be funny.
Thanks go out to profile.php?username=dartagnan for joining us.
Greetings and
Happy Challenging