We are happy to announce...
A new site has joined and is scored now.
LordofSQLi is a new site from South Korea, created in summer 2018 and is focused on SQL injection.
The database systems to exploit vary; mysql, sqlite, mssql, mongodb, ... and there are also some web application firewalls to keep you entertained.
The currently 49 challenges are in english and the overall site seems slim and fast.
The author rubiya created the site to make developers more aware of SQL injections, but i assume he does also like exploits.
We wanna welcome the Lords with a...
Happy Challenging!
This time we are really happy to announce...
that experts in the field of cryptography have joined the wechall network.
The new challenge site joining is MysteryTwister, which is part of the famous open-source project CrypTool, known amongst challengers.
CrypTool is an academic approach to teach the mathematics behind cryptography in an experimental manner by offering three offline e-learning programs (CT1, CT2, and JCT), the website CrypTool-Online, and the MysteryTwister crypto contest.
The puzzles on MTC3 are, of course, of cryptographic nature, and quite some of the problems are yet unsolved.
MTC3 has almost 9000 players from all around the world and the ciphertexts are presented in English and German. There is an active forum to discuss the problems in a non-spoiling, moderated manner.
Currently there are 260 challenges by more than 50 different authors, offering everything about crypto and computational number theory I can imagine -- from classical ciphers (Caesar, Vigenère, Hill, ...) to modern symmetric and asymmetric crypto (ORYX, AES, RSA, ECC, Lattice, homomorphic, DSA, ...).
So if you need a warmup or a fresh excourse in cryptography, this surely is a place to look at.
The site is scheduled with 10,000 basepoints, and the wechall score also includes old and inactive challenge sets.
The project lead Bernhard Esslinger is looking forward to your feedback and,maybe, a yet unsolved challenge to be cracked.
We all hope that many of you discover something new while trying out the
site and we wish you...
Happy Challenging!
Safflower (a.k.a. St4rburst), one of our avid users, has created a new challenge site called CanHackMe. Why don't you go and check it out, you lazy bum? ;)
Happy Summer Challenging...
From the islands of Indonesia, please welcome: CTFS.ME
A site for anyone who is interested in learning about CTFs, with web exploitation, cryptos and binaries. Everyone can contribute challenges, assuming they pass their quality check, of course.
Happy Challenging!!
Another one for you challenge-site collection. Try to decrypt, as the name suggest, is focused on cryptography. Challenges provide you with a mechanism to encrypt chosen plaintexts, from which you have to recover the encryption method to decrypt the solution.
aHpp yhClaelgnni!g (See if you can decrypt that!)
Another fairly new site has joined WeChall! With currently 26 machines available (and one more on the way) through a private network in addition to a bunch of other challenges, Hack The Box looks to be quite a challenge.
Many thanks to ch4p for making sure the site works optimally with ours!
And, of course: Happy Challenging!
I am happy to announce...
I can write a news item for a new site joining.
(It has been some time i was doing this 
hackburger got created by a polish company called Laboratorium EE.
This recently created site offers 9 web based exploitation challenges, and i hope many of you will enjoy them.
As always we wish…
Happy Challenging!
What? Another new site? Yes! Our first site from Taiwan, no less.
Twenty-seven exploitable executables running on a live system. Your job: capture the flag!
Welcome to pwnable.tw! Happy Challenging!
Please welcome NOE.systems, another addition from the southern part of the Korean Peninsula.
My Korean isn't great, so I'm not sure if they are praising me or making fun of Gizmore. They seem to have some challenges in various categories and that's all that really matters.
도전 해피!
(Please blame google translate if I just insulted your family.)
Time for a brand new site. Hacker Gateway just opened its doors today/yesterday and has already joined WeChall. What more could you ask for? ;)
Quote from Juampi
Hacker Gateway is a modern, open-source site built by a computer scientist and veteran challenger from Argentina. The site is intended for hackers of all skill levels, and spans several challenge categories, including cryptography, steganography and web, with more to be added in the future. The challenges go from pretty easy to very hard, and subtle hints are given when appropriate so that they never feel unfair.
If you want to put your hacking skills to the test, Hacker Gateway is the site for you!
I'd say "Happy Challenging!" to that! (Gizmore makes me.)