World of Wargame is now active!
The Spanish site World of Wargame as been in the "coming soon" section for quite some time, but finally it is soon!
Quote from hds
World of Wargame is a spanish wargame that was created back in 2009 to help spanish speakers begin with information security challenges and one of the few still running, it is aimed for starters so you can find challenges from very easy to medium difficulty.
We have seven categories distributed across 101 challenges:
- Basic cryptography
- A lot of steganography challenges
- Identification of images related to computers
- CAPTCHA cracking
- Programming
- Web application security
- And miscellaneous
The wargame includes a shop where you can buy hints with points, a system to earn points when rating a challenge, a list of solutions from users (3.5k approximately), and digital "gifts" you can find on your profile page that are given while solving the problems.
I hope you enjoy it and solve all the challenges!
Happy Challenging!
Please welcome to our newest addition, Solve Me! Haven't had time to check it out myself, but Gizmore tells me it's great. 
Have fun!
Oh, and happy challenging, of course...
RingZer0 Team Online CTF (and others) joined
Today we welcome RingZer0 Team Online CTF to WeChall. As the name already suggests, it's a CTF-style site from the RingZer0 Team. It currently has 230 challenges in 13 categories, so there is plenty of work ahead for you!
Also a belated welcome to Challengeland and that were added in the last "few" months.
Check these sites out and, as always...
Happy Challenging!
Another south korean site has been added to the global rankings.
Codeshell has been recently created by adm1nkyj and debukuk, who are both youngsters who do this small project beside their usual business.
Currently it offers 8 challenges, mostly web-based-exploits, and more challenges shall be added soon.
Of course it´s another way to gain a few points and take a look at another, currently mini, site and brighten your day.
The site is available in english and korean, and i did not invest the time to check the quality of the translations.
However, the signup process suggested the flags and challenges are all translated.
Again, i will leave it to dloser to setup the scoring nicely.
As always we all wish you…
Happy Challenging!
Stereotyped challs joined
We are happy to announce…
Stereotyped Challenges is now scored.
The Site has been listed as coming soon for a while, and now stypr has implemented the scripts for wechall scoring.
Stereotyped Challenges has been launched in November 2014, and thus is quite new with 12 challenges at the point of writing.
Stypr is in the early twenties, and is studying beside working in the mobile security sector.
The design goal of the Stereotyped Challenges is being difficult, fun and having a learning effect.
There are more challenges ready in the queue, and maybe more users are a motivation for stypr to release them more quickly.
The Site is from south korea, but has been completely created in english, so i think it´s correct to set the language to english here as well.
The scoring is still set to the defaults, and i leave that part to dloser.
And of course we all wish you…
Happy Challenging!
We are happy to announce 
A new site has been created and joined the network.
ae27ff is a brand new project and immediately wanted to get linked.
As my "holidays" are over, dloser and me took action and did our part quickly.
Now read something from the creator, crashdemons who currently invests much time in his new security baby.
Quote from crashdemons
I'm involved with a few Alternate Reality Games and it made me interested in puzzles like crypto, steg, etc for a while - I also get along with different people involved who don't know how to evaluate their skills when they start out. I had been thinking about starting an ARG for a while but I couldn't think of a plot, so I compromised and made a puzzle site that would let users gauge themselves.
In specific, having been involved with some cicada and OTP22 challenges has given me a perspective on hidden images in images, text, and even audio - as well as doing a lot of XOR.
I haven't quite gone all-out with BPSK31 like OTP22 does, but there are still infinite possibilities.
We are happy to announce…
The sites on Mod-X are now ranked and linkeable.
In total, three sites/projects are supported and maintained by Wang and
we hope you will welcome the addition.
To those who do not know the projects yet; It´s worth to check them out.
At least Mod-X, and i think the others too, have some nice theme and story setup,
and each site offers around 10 levels with linear access.
Now i want to simply quote, what wang has to say about Mod-X and co.
Quote from Wang
The Mod-X challenge was formed around 2001 when the Cyberarmy "Zebulun"
challenges were in their prime. Zebulun was the first online
security/hacking challenge I had played and I was fascinated by both the
challenges (they were educational but not boring because they had a sense
of storyline/mystery) and the sense of community that formed around the
challenges and within the forums/irc channels.Through Cyberarmy I also
learned about and started playing the challenges there too -
the challenges were very different to Zebulun and often harder, but just as
much fun
At the time, I had just begun working as a web developer and I was looking
for side projects to help me learn more ASP/Perl/PHP/SQL. I thought that
creating my own challenge site would be a great project to learn both
scripting and how to secure a web site. Mod-X was born with 2 levels
available to play and originally it was written in ASP with a Microsoft
Access database backend (ouch). Over the years the site was redesigned and
rewritten a number of times and it changed hosting provider several
times...but I always tried to keep it alive and relevant. The site gained a
lot of popularity and at times it felt like a full time job to keep the
site up and running with fresh challenges and new features - but I loved
every moment of it Last I checked, we'd seen around 60,000+ player
accounts registered at Mod-X.
Over the years, I found that Mod-X's approach to challenges (level based
with each challenge being harder than the last) led to a problem as it
meant that it was increasingly difficult for me to provide new challenges
for our players (each challenge requiring more investment from me than the
last). I wanted a way to provide players with more frequent challenges of
varying difficulties and to allow players to play the challenges in any
order than they liked. This led to the creation of the Omega Project (named
after my beautiful wife, Omegataurus, whom I met through Cyberarmy!) which
is currently a set of 7 challenges within Mod-X that have their own
rankings independent of the main Mod-X challenges.
Also, at some point (around 2001/2002) the site went down and
I was really sad to see it go (it felt like a piece of history had
disappeared). I had a good line of communication with Disavowed and I asked
if it would be possible for Mod-X to host the challenges
within Mod-X for our players to enjoy. Disavowed graciously agreed and in
December of 2003 the challenges were brought online within
Mod-X. They are still available for players to play today.
I can say with all honesty that Mod-X has been 100% life changing for me. I
would not be the person that I am today without Mod-X and challenge sites
like Cyberarmy's Zebulun and They have had a profound impact
on my personal and professional life, and while I don't always have as much
time to work on Mod-X as I used to...I am very happy that it's still up and
that people still want to play it. Thank you!
Thank you Wang and encse for making this possible!
Of course, we all wish you…
Happy Challenging!
We are happy to announce that HackThis!! has joined the wechall network and is now scored in the global rankings.
The site has been around since January 2008 and has grown a huge userbase.
Beside the challenges they write articles about IT Security and offer a forum.
Also noteable is that the site sourcecode is available on github, which i really like myself 
Currently it offers 42 challenges from the classic challenge site categories like Javascript, SQLi and crypto, and there are also sections for beginners and intermediates.
We all wish you...
Happy Challenging!
I am happy to announce...
A new site has been put into the rankings.
Mathchall is created by two friends in Greece who did this site in their free time. It is now a bit over a year old and, as the name suggests, is focused on
math and has been translated from Greek to English.
Expect a medium level of difficulty; the goal is to make more people interested in mathematics by solving interesting problems in a playful environment.
Many of the problems can be solved with logic only, but the more advanced challenges definitely require some math skill.
They plan to create an archive of videos and support information, as well as a hint system.
Some players noted that you get a penalty in score for entering incorrect solutions, but the authors might consider to remove this anti-feature.
I am sorry for the long delay, and...
of course we all wish you
Happy Challenging!
PS: Please note that usernames for linking Mathchall are case-sensitve.
IRISSCON 2012 lost challs
We are happy to announce...
The lost challenges from IRISSCON 2012 are now available and added to the wechall rankings.
The CTF/convention has taken place in November 2012, and these challenges were not included due to the high amount of challenges there.
The author, Damien has made 7 of the lost exploits, cracking and forensic challenges available on his website, and you are welcome to try them out.
According to him, further challenges could be released there, but not in high quantities, as he is busy working as a software engineer.
Of course interest in security is a must in this field .
Again, we all wish you
Happy Challenging!