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Dec 26, 2013 - 03:48

Mathchall joined

I am happy to announce...

A new site has been put into the rankings.
Mathchall is created by two friends in Greece who did this site in their free time. It is now a bit over a year old and, as the name suggests, is focused on
math and has been translated from Greek to English.
Expect a medium level of difficulty; the goal is to make more people interested in mathematics by solving interesting problems in a playful environment.
Many of the problems can be solved with logic only, but the more advanced challenges definitely require some math skill.
They plan to create an archive of videos and support information, as well as a hint system.
Some players noted that you get a penalty in score for entering incorrect solutions, but the authors might consider to remove this anti-feature.

I am sorry for the long delay, and...

of course we all wish you
Happy Challenging!

PS: Please note that usernames for linking Mathchall are case-sensitve.
Dec 26, 2013 - 22:59:15
dr dot optix atgmail dot com
Hi there! A quick note: I linked my Mathchall account and it says the stats parser is not implemented. In other words account linking worked but stats are not updated because the parser is not implemented or is not doing it's job.
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