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Problem with this chall ?  Go to the Training: Programming 1 challenge

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Problem with this chall ?
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I try to get this chall, but I think that there is a problem.

This is the letters that I received : 3vWC3ERrn8I
And the error message that I get : Your answer() differs from the solution (3vWC3ERrn8I)

Where is the problem : me or the challenge ?

Thank you.

PS : Sorry for my english Smile

Edit : the problem is me... sorry for this useless message...
Last edited by kokotchy - Aug 13, 2008 - 12:24:10
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It seems like you are not submitting the solution correctly then.
Your answer (empty) does not equal the solution(Bl4Bl4Bla4)

...... and i just read your edit xD

Congrats on solving then i suppose ;)
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Problem with this chall ?
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I'm having trouble with this challenge and I'm not sure why, seeing as I have done another challenge on this site that required the same process for one step (bill for Bill). Either I get a PHPSESSID message, or I get the challenge page instead of the request page, any chance someone could PM me with a tip?


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Did you submit your PHPSESSID via http-header (cookie) ?
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Well I thought I did. What confuses me is that if it works for one challenge then I would have thought it would work for this challenge. It is the same script I had working on bill for Bill but with different urls.
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Did you hard-code your PHPSESSION in your script?
Does your bill for Bill script still work?
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Just tested, Bill for bill script still works.

Yes, my PHPSESSID is hard coded into the script, at present I am logging in to the site, taking the ID from my cookie, editing the script, and running it.

I have tried different ways of sending the PHPSESSID, through GET is the way i used for bill for Bill.
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My mistake, I mean I have a script that works for step 2 of A Black Hats Tale not bill for Bill
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Well, I neither make nor play Wechall challenges so perhaps someone else will be able to help you better Smile
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Ok no problem, thanks for replying anyway Smile
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