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timeout  Go to the Training: Programming 1 challenge

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my answer is true but it says :

Your answer was correct.
You timed out. (needed 20.04 of max 1.337 seconds).

I changed the keep-alive timeout to less than 1.337 and maximum timeout to less than 1.337 but it still gives me the same

Your answer was correct.
You timed out. (needed 20.04 of max 1.337 seconds).

can anyone gives me a hint in the right way
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RE: timeout
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You only have 1.337 seconds to complete the task.
The geeks shall inherit the properties and methods of object earth.
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RE: timeout
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do you call this "You only have 1.337 seconds to complete the task." a hint !!!!!!!? all what you did is paraphrasing this sentence "Your timelimit is 1.337 seconds" only that your paraphrasing does not give any clearness

the fact that "the timelimit is 1.337 seconds" makes me change the timeout to less than 1.337
so that the timelimit does not exceed 1.337 but I get the

"Your answer was correct.
You timed out. (needed 20.04 of max 1.337 seconds)."

you are the one who creates the challenge so I want you at least to tell me only by which mean or proxy the challenge will be solved : should I write a php program? or what should I do?

any hint in the right direction?
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RE: timeout
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You take exactly 20.04s every time?? Weird...

Don't pick on gizmore - it's pretty difficult to phrase it in any other way really. The server has to receive your answer back within 1.337 seconds. I don't know what "timeout" you are changing or why you'd want one? Just do the task as quickly as possible.

It's "Programming 1" so using some programming language is probably a good idea, unless you can type really really quickly.
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Also let me add that although most challenge sites require cookie to identify you, WeChall also needs useragent header set too so your options are:

a) Log in through your browser then have your program match that user agent
b) Perform login using the form through your program.

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RE: timeout
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So as the problem is more clear now...

There is no evilness, proxystuff, etc that could act as blackbox and hinder you.
The only usual problem some users have are sending the cookies, and rarely a really bad connection.
It´s just a little training challenge to make you play with http requests, nothing mean and hidden.

I suppose there is something on your end that somehow slows your requests down.

If you find out what made this weird timing values (maybe proxy) we are looking forward for feedback Smile

Happy Challenging!
The geeks shall inherit the properties and methods of object earth.
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