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Problem with this chall ?
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It's a common error set the header connection to keep-alive in this type of challenges. Look at the httpclient.php and then search for in both methods (GET and POST)
GeSHi`ed php code
$header.="Connection: keep-alive";

And then, set it to close:
GeSHi`ed php code
$header.="Connection: Close";

Maybe, if you change that, the server won't wait the keep-alive timeout, and the result will send in less seconds.
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I looked at general HTTP traffic and almost every time a keep-alive header is sent.
It kept waiting even when i set the socket timeout to 1 second.
I've coded and recoded the script without success but this was the cause of all problems. Thank you HaDeS !
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Quote from BjornR1989

It kept waiting even when i set the socket timeout to 1 second.

The timeout in fsockopen in PHP refers to the time that the script waits until there is a succesful connection, if the server takes too long to accept the conection, then we talk about timeout.
For that reason, there is a big difference between timeout on fsockopen and timeout specified in the request header.
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RE: Problem with this chall ?
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I'm definately messing up somehow, I can't login properly Drool I'm trying to do it with pycurl and I have this rule: c.setopt(pycurl.COOKIE, "WC4_SID=...") or am I forgetting something?
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RE: Problem with this chall ?
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I used a javascript/greasemonkey combo to solve it, but it keeps on getting times slightly than 1.337 (nice leet) ..
Any suggestions ?
Script is very very basic :
GeSHi`ed javascript code
var pgcode = document.getElementById("page").innerHTML;
var redirurl = ""+pgcode;
window.location = redirurl;

I'm very new to PHP.. haven't tried doing it by that method yet.. (also a bit clueless how I could do it that way Drool)
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RE: Problem with this chall ?
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The new server is quite slow, and 1.337 seconds might be quite hard for locations far away from the server...
You might want to try "&ajax=1" added to your request to skip generation of some headers and sidebar.
Maybe it helps Smile

Good luck
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RE: Problem with this chall ?
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The "&ajax=1" didn't drastically reduce the time, although I'm now averaging at around 1.9 secs.
Anyways, will try something else. I'm inside a proxy network, so that's not helping either.
Thanks for the quick reply Smile
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RE: Problem with this chall ?
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maybe temporerly add $time -= $new_server_time_difference...
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RE: Problem with this chall ?
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I'm stuck. I've read the thread and it seems my way should have been working. I'm using curl in php
I've set:

GeSHi`ed Plaintext code
$setcookie = 'WC=<cookie value from my browser>;; path=/';
curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_COOKIE, $setcookie);

and it's still telling me "Please login by sending your cookies in the HTTP Header"

I've added

GeSHi`ed Plaintext code
curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_VERBOSE, 1);
curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_STDERR, $f);

and I can see in the file created:
Accept: */*
Cookie: WC=<my cookie value>;; path=/

but still no joy.

in this thread there was mentioning of PHPSESSID, however it's not set in my browser cookie, is it needed or was changed to WC?
am I missing something? Is the challenge working?
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solved. Problem was I logged in with restrict to ip.
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