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Why does my browser(Opera 10) say "Invalid bytecode"?


Did a little search and got this:

By the way, I have Java on my PC:

Your Java configuration is as follows:
Vendor: Sun Microsystems Inc.
Version: Java 5 Update 07
Operating System: Windows XP 5.1 Architecture: x86
Last edited by xyberz09 - Sep 16, 2009 - 12:39:04
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Quote from xyberz09

Why does my browser(Opera 10) say "Invalid bytecode"?

Yeah, sorry, it is my fault. I know about this bug for a long time, I hope I will have time to fix it. By the way it was a default option in Eclipse Sad

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I had some time, and just noticed that the whole code is Java 1.6 compliant only, it does not even compile on Java 1.5

Sorry for that, but if you want to run it you need 1.6

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