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mission still working?  Go to the Towers of Hanoi challenge

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mission still working?
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I solve the tower in 1023 moves, send a hash for the solution string (starting with aa6a928bd992c ...) and receive the duh message . Any ideas why?
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RE: mission still working?
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It still works. Your hash isn't right, so you probably made a little mistake somewhere.

Good luck! Smile
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RE: mission still working?
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Quote from dloser
Feb 07, 2015 - 00:53:46

It still works. Your hash isn't right, so you probably made a little mistake somewhere.

Good luck! Smile

Hmmm. Thanks dawg. Smile

Edit : Done now , thanks to wireshark (confused zl with z!). Grrrrr!
Last edited by m0ngrel - Feb 07, 2015 - 02:06:13
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