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Questions  |  score: 3  |  3.61 3.92 5.44 |  Solved By 532 People  |  62791 views  |  since Nov 27, 2010 - 21:25:43

Training: Crypto - Substitution II (Crypto, Training)

All people that solved Training: Crypto - Substitution II, ordered by solving date.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 ... 11
Username Totalscore Solved at
__Unknown CountryJinx365823Nov 27, 2010 - 22:26:41
Germanytehron550998Nov 28, 2010 - 00:30:53
__Unknown CountryMachinaExDeo24507Nov 28, 2010 - 10:25:57
HungaryZ115468Nov 28, 2010 - 11:29:57
FrancelordOric498271Nov 28, 2010 - 13:43:32
Polandgrimskies93538Nov 28, 2010 - 14:12:09
__Unknown CountryCaesum591112Nov 29, 2010 - 19:07:27
Slovakiapeterkodo243804Nov 29, 2010 - 20:01:30
Spainpaipai271286Dec 02, 2010 - 18:31:20
Germanytripleedged371396Dec 02, 2010 - 21:51:43
Spaincabrero6467242Dec 04, 2010 - 10:36:23
Slovakiametodkar174528Dec 04, 2010 - 13:28:31
GermanyTheHiveMind467776Dec 06, 2010 - 20:04:47
Netherlands, TheDrArcheh59388Dec 09, 2010 - 21:53:47
United Kingdomsmutley289445Dec 10, 2010 - 18:30:17
Francephoenix1204509858Dec 11, 2010 - 15:14:56
United Statesshadum227617Dec 15, 2010 - 16:46:36
Russian Federationesh95392Dec 17, 2010 - 12:20:38
Indiajahackbeth51260Dec 20, 2010 - 19:24:30
ArgentinaJuampi128844Dec 20, 2010 - 19:40:47
Netherlands, TheSealX119346Dec 22, 2010 - 12:42:05
Romaniasmagazor15080Dec 22, 2010 - 18:43:39
Hong Konghcldesmond24075Dec 23, 2010 - 08:43:08
SlovakiaRamiroja94295Dec 26, 2010 - 17:56:24
Indiamithmith89315Dec 28, 2010 - 09:29:49
__Unknown Countrytrice24194Dec 29, 2010 - 13:23:24
Netherlands, TheMrBlueSky162188Jan 11, 2011 - 22:44:04
FranceGe039961Jan 13, 2011 - 13:58:45
Francekithyane140511Jan 13, 2011 - 18:40:20
Polandbluebat19290Jan 14, 2011 - 19:19:10
GermanyHiPhiSch109871Jan 16, 2011 - 01:16:43
HungaryCHItA127925Jan 18, 2011 - 16:40:18
Russian FederationEns74878Jan 19, 2011 - 14:02:41
Polandyachoor455361Jan 19, 2011 - 19:40:19
Hungarysysfail171202Jan 20, 2011 - 20:19:17
United KingdomJander33004Jan 24, 2011 - 12:14:19
Polandpawlos35024Jan 29, 2011 - 23:34:49
Netherlands, Thebusyr146464Feb 01, 2011 - 22:12:35
__Unknown Countrydloser758660Feb 02, 2011 - 10:55:17
FranceSpaulding323377Feb 04, 2011 - 14:56:04
Switzerlandscorp96556Feb 05, 2011 - 15:06:20
Polandpavelo2853Feb 09, 2011 - 07:53:31
__Unknown Countrydumpcore10939Feb 16, 2011 - 10:06:58
Andorradokyriak162121Feb 19, 2011 - 15:00:51
Hungaryfarkasgb59546Feb 22, 2011 - 14:23:16
Germanyp0lar19651Mar 01, 2011 - 22:16:06
LithuaniaaNTiBioTiC35970Mar 03, 2011 - 21:57:25
CanadaLoneWolf219208652Mar 06, 2011 - 04:41:01
Germanyjohannmeier136136Mar 21, 2011 - 16:10:41
SlovakiaIPYouFy184702Apr 03, 2011 - 17:40:29
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 ... 11