Sites with Exploit challenges on WeChall

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ID Language Site Users Challs Average Dif Fun Description
105EnglishSpainHackMyVM166343763.83%50.00%50.00%This site was created around 2020 to provide to people a free platform to play CTF, Challenges, some online labs and to...
104EnglishUnited is an education platform for students (and other interested parties) to learn about, and practice, core...
103EnglishTunisiaPWN.TN19202818.00%50.00%50.00%PWN.TN is an educational and non commercial wargame. There is various IT security related challenges for fun and...
100EnglishUnited StatesCan You Hack It?®50.00%50.00%The Can You Hack It?® Challenge was created by Assured Information Security (AIS) engineers to test the skills of...
98EnglishAustralia247CTF221727210.55%87.50%100.00%247CTF is a security environment where hackers can test their abilities across a number of different challenge...
94EnglishKorea, Republic OfCanHackMe75.00%100.00%Have fun challenges!
91EnglishUnited KingdomHack The Box229673215713.05%87.50%100.00%Hack The Box is an online platform allowing you to test your penetration testing skills and exchange ideas and...
90EnglishPolandhackburger100.00%50.00%(mainly) web security challenges by Laboratorium EE. is a wargame site for hackers to test and expand their binary exploiting skills.
88KoreanKorea, Republic is a wargame site where you can practice a variety of hacking techniques related to information security in...
85EnglishCanadaRingZer0 Team Online CTF512723965.60%100.00%100.00%RingZer0 Team's online CTF offers you tons of challenges designed to test and improve your hacking skills through...
84EnglishColombiaChallengeland50.00%50.00%Challengeland is a site of war games to learn and improve your hacking skills created by Redexel and Germanlm93
83EnglishKorea, Republic Ofpwnable.kr68932705.95%87.50%100.00%'' is a non-commercial [i]wargame site[/i] which provides various pwn challenges regarding system...
82EnglishUnited Statesae27ff210074139.44%65.62%96.88%Beginner to intermediate puzzles intended to hone user hunting and decoding skills used in Alternate Reality Games.
81EnglishKorea, Republic OfStereotyped Challenges50.00%100.00%"Stereotyped Challenges" provides advanced web-based security challenges that guides you to the latest trend of web...
78EnglishUnited KingdomMod-X6846941.06%66.67%75.00%Mod-X is a fictional online game. In Mod-X you will become one of the Mod-X 'agents' and have to solve any tasks that...
77KoreanKorea, Republic OfCodeShell.kr50.00%50.00%This website provides various challenges that require computer hacking skills to solve. To solve a challenge, you'll...
76EnglishUnited KingdomDefend the Web8442436027.05%56.25%91.67%An interactive security platform where you can learn and challenge your skills.
74EnglishIrelandIRISSCON 2012 Lost Challenges50.00%87.50%This site includes the challenges I made for IRISSCON 2012 CTF. However due to the large number of submissions, these...
73EnglishBelgiumTasteless100.00%100.00%Tasteless challenges, several levels that will test you in security and logical thinking
70EnglishUnited wargames offered by the OverTheWire community can help you to learn and practice security concepts in the form of...
66GermanGermanyHacking-Challenges134114527.95%41.67%90.00%Hacking-Challenges is a german challenge site. In challenges from 8 categories, for example javascript, cryptography,...
65EnglishUnited KingdomCanYouHack.It75.00%100.00%CanYouHack.It is a security based challenge site where members get to show of their skills, learn new ones and socialize...
63EnglishSpainYoire25.00%33.33%Wargame oriented site for having fun and learn hacking :)
62KoreanKorea, Republic OfSuNiNaTaS164253248.99%37.50%100.00%SuNiNaTaS have 15 games : Web(8), Cracking(4), Forensic(3) Skill level is medium. We are good hackers.
61EnglishGermanyRedTigers Hackit-11048.33%75.00%95.00%10 SQL Injection challenges. After the final level you can put yourself into the hall of fame. No registration possible.
59EnglishAntarcticathebackupbox87.50%100.00%Your description is invalid. It has to be 12-4096 characters long.
57EnglishUnited StatesSecurity Override50.00%75.00%Here at SecurityOverride, we offer pen-testing tutorials, hacking challenges, security articles, security forums,...
56KoreanKorea, Republic Ofwargame.kr75.00%75.00%this `` has challenges for web, system, reversing, etc.. i will trying to add more challenges, have a lotta...
55FrenchFranceRight-Answer39.29%53.12%This website want to make you think and learn in several chall spread over several categories such as logic,...
54KoreanKorea, Republic OfHack-Me75.00%75.00%Hack-Me is one of the best challenge site in south korea, launched in this month. The challenges cover a wide range of...
53EnglishUnited StatesEnigmaGroup75.00%66.67%Since 2005, Enigma Group has been providing its members a legal and safe security resource where they can develop their...
51KoreanKorea, Republic has 80 challenges about webhacking. You can try various SQL INJECTION problem.
49EnglishUnited KingdomRevolution Elite376719813.72%75.00%83.33%A site based on a detective theme which uses suspect elimination, clues, and more traditional challenge categories to...
48EnglishFranceW3Challs34403987.01%78.57%87.50%0% simulation & guessing. Hacking challenges only! Wargames (from classic linux/x86 to hardened kernel exploits),...
46FrenchFranceRoot-Me7696415945.22%66.67%78.12%Root Me allows everyone to test and improve their knowledge in computer security. Our community helps us maintain a...
45EnglishPolandSecurity Traps100.00%100.00%The newest Polish professional challenge site. We focus on quality, difficulty and originality of the tasks, not...
43FrenchFranceHackBBS312589118.32%75.00%60.00%Hack en situation réelle.
42EnglishNetherlands, TheTHC Hack Challenges50.00%25.00%THC is a hack challenge and tournament site for newbies and more advanced hackers. You start off with the easier...
40SpanishColombiaWorld of Wargame270610119.89%50.00%75.00%World of Wargame is a challenge site running from 2009 with more than a hundred challenges varying from easy to medium...
38EnglishNetherlands, Thelistbrain.tk58.33%68.75%Another english site
33EnglishUnited StatesBlack Zero78.12%72.22%Black Zero is a new community of hacking, coding, and lock picking enthusiasts. The site offers over 50 interactive...
32EnglishUnited StatesHacker.org4977229221.31%86.77%84.72%The hacker explores the intersection of art and science in an insatiable quest to understand and shape the world around...
31EnglishGermanyHellbound Hackers50.00%50.00%HellBoundHackers is a completely legal, web-based security training ground. They offer challenges that teach you how...
30EnglishHungaryhax.tor.hu68.75%79.69%HaX.ToR.Hu is a challenge site putting emphasis on teaching basic security related issues in a fun way. Players get a...
28EnglishUnited StatesZero Identity50.00%50.00%A nice challenge site with a lot of functionality to interconnect the users. Will join soon
26EnglishJamaicathebackupbox72.92%79.69%Shell challenges.
25PolishPolandShow Your is a polish website with a lot of challenges. You can find here hackmes, crackmes, cryptography...
23GermanGermanyMiBs Challenges65.91%73.22%MiBs Challenges is a German riddle site started in 2005 with over 150 challenges in 9 categories including math,...
22PolishPolandTDHack2328820214.01%45.00%42.50%TDHack (Think Devise Hack) is the first polish challenge site, launched in September 2004. The challenges cover a wide...
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