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RedTigers Hackit
Sites origin country Germany
Language English
Category Tags Exploit, Realistic
Site Admins RedTiger
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Has OnSiteRank no
WarBoxes 1Show Wargames
Score 15546
Base-Score 10000
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Challs 10
Linked users 1079
Average 48.33%
Difficulty 75.00%
Enjoyment 95.00%
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Comments on RedTigers Hackit

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Global Rank: 2074
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RE: Comments on RedTigers Hackit
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Quote from JimmyZhou
Mar 04, 2015 - 08:14:37

I finished the Hackit, but i don't have my score updated on wechall, what should I do?

Took me a few minutes to figure this out. If you haven't done so already, navigate to this page:

Then select "RedTigers Hackit" from the dropdown menu, enter your WeChall username and email, and then click the "Link Site" button. Smile
Totalscore: 316893
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RE: Comments on RedTigers Hackit
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Quote from solstice
Oct 01, 2015 - 05:28:54

Quote from JimmyZhou
Mar 04, 2015 - 08:14:37

I finished the Hackit, but i don't have my score updated on wechall, what should I do?

Took me a few minutes to figure this out. If you haven't done so already, navigate to this page:

Then select "RedTigers Hackit" from the dropdown menu, enter your WeChall username and email, and then click the "Link Site" button. Smile

Yes but Redtiger is a warbox so it works a bit differently.
After linking the site to wechall, head here (found from Account -> Warboxes -> Redtigers Hackit) and input your flags here.

Global Rank: 37
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RE: Comments on RedTigers Hackit
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Comments on RedTigers Hackit !

Thank you, good site !! 4 years for finish!!!

See you later.

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