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HellBoundHackers is a completely legal, web-based security training ground. They offer challenges that teach you how computer based exploits work. The idea being, if you know how to exploit a website for instance, then you can go and secure your website, and help others in securing theirs. If you know how malicious hackers get in, you can keep them out. HBH also supplies a vast library of downloads, articles, and helpful forum posts.
Hellbound Hackers
Sites origin country Germany
Language English
Category Tags Cracking, JavaScript, Exploit, Flash
WarBoxes 0
Difficulty 50.00%
Enjoyment 50.00%

Comments on Hellbound Hackers

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Comments on Hellbound Hackers
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I had bad experience with this site a few days after I joined a few years ago the database got pwned by some hacker and after recovery a lot of user accounts including mine were lost.
Last edited by quangntenemy - May 22, 2010 - 09:21:48
Global Rank: 916
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RE: Comments on Hellbound Hackers
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How can I link this site to my WeChall account?
Global Rank: 1
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RE: Comments on Hellbound Hackers
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You cannot. It is not part of the great WeChall universal network. I believe they are not interested in us.
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