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A new French site turned to the learning of the computing through the SOSI challenge. SOSI is a linear challenge with a structure of a tree. You have to cross the test to be able to reach the challenge. The majority of the challs are made by mirmo himself. This challenge is intended for the beginners wishing to learn.
Sites origin country France
Language French
Category Tags JavaScript, Crypto, Stegano, Math, Research, Programming, Logic, Cracking, Exploit, Storyline
WarBoxes 0
Difficulty 70.00%
Enjoyment 70.00%

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I liked the few challenged I solved until now. Currently I'm still at the recruitment missions, partly because I don't understand french (and google translation isn't that accurate).

So an english translation - even if it's a short one, like it's already done at some challenges - would be great!

btw... what does "sagit-il" mean?

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I will translate the free missions as soon as possible. (Before this sunday)
And I will correct this big spelling mistake O_o
(Not "sagit-il" but "s'agit-il" => "is it about")
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just saw, that you already translated the challenges...


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infomirmo is my best challenge site, with a really good admin ;)
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Hello everyone!
No Infomirmo is far from dead, a version two is planned for a while.
I will change the server by April 13.
And to that end, I wanted to change a lot of things to Infomirmo.

For the news?
Display the number of validation of the author's name and the number of points per event.
An adjustment of the point system.
A simplification of the classification.
Statistics page of each member developed.
An improved system forum
Several new events including the cls.

To do this, it is possible that the site is down for a moment, time to finish the preparations and the transition from the current database on the news.


Bonjour tout le monde !
Non Infomirmo est loin d'être mort, une version deux est prévue depuis un moment.
Je vais changer de serveur d'ici le 13 avril.
Et dans ce but, j'ai voulu changer pas mal de chose à Infomirmo.

Pour les nouveautés ?
Affichage du nombre de validation, du nom de l'auteur ainsi que le nombre de point par épreuve.
Un ajustement du système de point.
Une simplification du classement.
La page statistique de chaque membre plus développée.
Une amélioration du système du forum
Plusieurs nouvelles épreuves dont celle de cls.

Pour cela, il se pourrai que le site soit down un moment, le temps de finir les préparations et le passage de la base de donnée actuelle sur la nouvelle.
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Hello everybody,

Informirmo is down now.

But not definitively, I have no time to take charge of it for now.

I am going to make my possible to correct the situation.

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Hello everybody,

infomirmo is up Happy

but... With the new scoring and a data loss...

All scores have been re-requested and are up-to-date again.

Please check your account and re-validate your challs.

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I can't link infomirmo since more than a week.
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Problem fixed
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RE: Comments on infomirmo
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It seems that challenges turned purses now:
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tunelko, feicuijade, quangntenemy, TheHiveMind, Z, balicocat, Ge0, samuraiblanco, arraez, jcquinterov, hophuocthinh, alfamen2, burhanudinn123, Ben_Dover, stephanduran89, braddie0, SwolloW, dangarbri, csuquvq have subscribed to this thread and receive emails on new posts.
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