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A site based on the TV show Lost. Challenges range from easy to hard. Non-Lost fans will find this enjoyable too!
Sites origin country Switzerland
Language English
Category Tags Crypto, Stegano, Programming, Cracking, Logic, Exploit, Math, Storyline
WarBoxes 0
Difficulty 63.04%
Enjoyment 66.31%
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Comments on LOST-Chall

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RE: Comments on LOST-Chall
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Looks like this site is down at the moment Sad Hopefully just a temporary outage...
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RE: Comments on LOST-Chall
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Well, the plan had been to shut it down end of this year

Quote from bregi_2023-12-29

Lost-Chall has been operational since 2007, witnessing numerous changes over the years. I've dedicated the past 10 years to full-time software development and juggling various hobbies that don't involve a computer. The journey has been both enjoyable and challenging, but I've reached a decision to close down the site. However, I'm open to giving it away for free to anyone interested in hosting the site. It's important to note that I was quite young when I created the site, and it doesn't adhere to best practices. There's a considerable amount of redundancy, and it relies on a framework that has been deprecated for many years (Zend) while still running on PHP 5.4. Given these factors, a proper migration will require some time and effort. If you're interested in taking over, please don't hesitate to contact me at In the event that no one steps up to run the site, I plan to shut it down at the end of 2024. At that time, I will email a zip file containing the source code, allowing you to access the answers to unsolved challenges. Wishing you all the best, Bregi

There is a (tentative) replacement up on Smile
This is still in experimental stage though, and is not in-sync with the latest database.
Last edited by livinskull - Apr 29, 2024 - 11:19:41
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