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EvalMath error  Go to the Training: Math Pyramid challenge

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EvalMath error
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I get this error when submitting a solution:

PHP Notice(8): Undefined offset: -2 in core/inc/3p/EvalMath.php line 384

Backtrace starts in www/challenge/training/math/pyramid/index.php line 42.
math_pyramid_check()...... www/challenge/training/math/pyramid/index.php line 73.
EvalMath->evaluate()...... core/inc/3p/EvalMath.php line 133.
EvalMath->nfx()........... core/inc/3p/EvalMath.php line 216.
EvalMathStack->last()..... core/inc/3p/EvalMath.php line 384.
GWF_Debug::error_handler() core/inc/util/GWF_Debug.php line 183.
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RE: EvalMath error
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That happened to me when I closed an extra parenthesis without even opening, for example " (a^3)) ".
It works now!
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