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Can anyone give me a hint?  Go to the Training: RegexMini challenge

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Can anyone give me a hint?
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I have read all the hints on the forum and tried lots of time with a PHP online regex editor but still could not figure out how to solve this.

I have 2 ideas:
1) abcdedf#abcdefghijklmnopq
Chars that before the # symbol(an imaginary symbol that tricks PHP) will not be handled by preg_match so that the string becomes longer.
2) abcdef&abcdefg
Chars that behind & symbol will not be handled

Am I on the right track? Can anyone confirm the challenge still works fine?
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RE: Can anyone give me a hint?
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Hi gundamfj,

I'm struggling on this challenge too (for the same reasons I think)
Havn't figured yet the solution but the last solved date is 2015/01/15 (as of today) so looks like it's still doable.

Looks like the core of the challenge is to trick the regex BUT, looking for strlen documentation have revealed that chars like ä count twice so....
and strlen do count the NUL byte but the regex doesn't accept it (at least, the way I sent it)

After that, does a-zA-Z differs from A-Za-z ? (don't think so but meh...)

Keep trying and you may be the 269th solver Smile


PS : I think your #1 solution won't work and the 2nd has to be prefered (especially if Ruby)
But keep in mind that I havn't solved it yet!
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RE: Can anyone give me a hint?
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i have a solution that is working locally , but it's not being accepted by the mission ,

is the challenge simulated in such way that it accepts only certain input ? , if not who can i PM about it ?
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RE: Can anyone give me a hint?
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There are no simulated challenges at WeChall, though the environment for this specific one may be different to your own ;)
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