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what do i need to complete this challenge  Go to the Training: Encodings I challenge

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what do i need to complete this challenge
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what do i need to complete this challenge
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RE: what do i need to complete this challenge
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Read what is given to you. After that, there really shouldn't be any question about what to do.
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RE: what do i need to complete this challenge
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I'm so sorry...actually i have no idea as before...The problem hint that The message is most likely in english , but they are totally 441 bits,how to encode?I just want to exlpore my thingking,can you tell me with private letter,please?
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RE: what do i need to complete this challenge
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Adawang, you seem to be talking about the Encodings I challenge. This is a thread about WWW-Robots. The threads for Encodings I should give you enough information to solve it.
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RE: what do i need to complete this challenge
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thanks ! that's enough~
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