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Warchall box upgraded  Go to the Training: Warchall - The Beginning challenge

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Warchall box upgraded
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Lately we had troubles with the box shutting down inexpectedly.

The reason was a bug in the kernel random.c

I have compiled a new kernel and updated all installed packages, and hopefully it is more stable again.

Of course i am sorry for any inconvinence.

In case you like to get a free webspace/db on, just drop me a PM Smile

Happy Challenging!
The geeks shall inherit the properties and methods of object earth.
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RE: Warchall box upgraded
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Hi there,

i did created the ssh account with form, but i cant access to the ssh, is this a bug or is part of challenge?
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RE: Warchall box upgraded
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Thank you very much for the report.

Due to upgrades, old php versions got deleted, and no php cli was available handling the new user accounts.

The problem should be fixed.
The geeks shall inherit the properties and methods of object earth.
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