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Happy New Challenge  Go to the 2013 New Years Special challenge

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Happy New Challenge
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SVN Repo has bitten the challenge twice.

phiber managed to solve the challenge by logging in as Silvester2013 and removing the gpg pubkey.

This is of course not the way how to solve it; there is some math and rsa cracking involved.

Thanks to phiber for reporting the problem!

Also dloser first did a trick, by calculating the random password as he knew the secret from SVN as well.

The challenge got reset and there should be no other than the intended way to solve it now.

Good Luck!
The geeks shall inherit the properties and methods of object earth.
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RE: Happy New Challenge
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This chall is hard. Haha. I can't solve it Happy
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RE: Happy New Challenge
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Oh Santa is here!

No worries if you lost your privkey; you can let the good kids calculate it Smile
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RE: Happy New Challenge
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We need an easier new year special haha.

Gizmore, the end of 2020 is near Drool The theme should be classical cryptography, visual steganography, and literature Drool
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RE: Happy New Challenge
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If you can provide the challenge idea i will help.
My next challenge will be about my new framework "gdo6" (
The geeks shall inherit the properties and methods of object earth.
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RE: Happy New Challenge
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Nope, I'm still lazy. You should do everything Drool
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