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Am I Missing Something Obvious?  Go to the Training: Register Globals challenge

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Am I Missing Something Obvious?
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Trying to figure out if I'm just not processing this correctly, or if there's something wrong with this challenge. I'm pretty trivially able to get a green box suggesting I've logged in as admin, and the linked source suggests that I should have this challenge solved, yet no dice.

If the challenge is working just fine, I'm happy to look a bit harder, but I'd think that green boxes welcoming me back as admin would be indicative a success condition.
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RE: Am I Missing Something Obvious?
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The challenge seem to work just fine. Make sure it exactly says 'Welcome back, admin.' Feel free to PM me your solution if you still think something is wrong.
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RE: Am I Missing Something Obvious?
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I'm going to chalk it up to something being hosed in my session. Reran my query from earlier and it went through just fine. Thanks for taking a look.
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