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what's wrong  Go to the B.AiM challenge

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what's wrong
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I cracked the challenge and sent it to the target email address,but no response at all.What's wrong?The administrator seems to to check its email box .
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RE: what's wrong
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There were lazyness problems with the admin which got fixed by flooding validation requests ;)

Good job, the challenge was marked as solved for you.
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RE: what's wrong
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Thank you,I love this site!
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RE: what's wrong
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Got a problem regarding resetting the password for the B.AiM login . Can anyone help / advise me regarding the issue ? #

Error snapshot

EDIT: Just to be clear , it's about the B.AiM facade web application . I want to reset the password for my account and I get the error when clicking the password reset link ( received by email ) .

Best regards,
Last edited by codenameblitz - Dec 29, 2014 - 01:32:28
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