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first part
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I want to say something about the meaningful things you wrote although they are not words of an expert and they are the consequence of your precipitation and misunderstanding

point 5) I wrote:"having the encouragement of the family or having computer scientist in the family like the father or the uncle"

I wrote OR and you know in the logical operators what is or (either A is true or B is true but not both).

when I wrote:"having the encouragement of the family" , the word encouragement is not the word you know . The word encouragement is used to denote the type of treatment the children get . It means the love , affection , tolerance , finesse , altruism , instructive freedom , respect provided by the parents , regardless of their class , to their children . These positive attributes are steroids to children ; they boost their psychological and mental development and progression and create sane adults. The child who get these attributes is very lucky because it is not easy to find parents who give all these attributes to their children therefore, the ones who get them become , without doubt , far better than the ones who do not get them.
Moreover , we should not forget that treatment is an essential factor of brilliance but not alone

5) "Political? Yikes. that would make me want to run away" Again you understand wrongly
with political support I mean the normal public administrations that provide vital services to normal people like for example transport . in the third world , these administrations are very corrupted because there is no supervision on them and their no supervision on the one who supervise them and there is no laws that protect the welfare state of the normal people through condemning any illegal administrative process why? because the legislative power is under the dominance of the ultimate Party and the police as a power is an intelligence that serves the interest of the ultimate Party .The culture their is a culture of fraud and the culture of the ultimate Party , the Party of the regime.

4) No. no no no. I am self taught

no one can teach himself by himself and reach high ranks without even having the minimum of support . This minimum support created a lot of exceptional brains a long the history , and there is no , absolutely , no wiser , or philosopher or hacker or thinker , who reach high rank , reach it without some support of other people. I red to all of them and to the history of them and among them some people in computer science in different fields get supported. anyway this is the first part
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RE: first part
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Quote from strongard63
Oct 29, 2013 - 22:35:41

I wrote OR and you know in the logical operators what is or (either A is true or B is true but not both).

OR is one or both. XOR is one or the other but not both.

As for the rest: tl;dr
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RE: first part
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Quote from strongard63
point 5) I wrote:"having the encouragement of the family or having computer scientist in the family like the father or the uncle"

I wrote OR and you know in the logical operators what is or (either A is true or B is true but not both).

I'm sure its possible that someone who does happen to have both a father and uncle who are a computer scientist AND encouraging, who is to say that being in said career makes a parent encouraging/unencouraging. Further to this why specifically father and uncle.

Matter of this thread is that regardless of situation the best challengers are people who have tried, repeated, failed, researched and collected knowledge which can sometimes be replicated in other challenges. Some challenges might not be of your skill set currently but with the right research one day you may be able to solve it (some are not a case of just shove this in a program and let that do it for me). I've solved next to no challenges on wechall but one day I hope that I will gain the knowledge from personal research and failures, and if you were a bit politer other users would be very willing to help you and give you hints.

Ultimately you may feel you are at a disadvantage but you have access to the internet don't you? Research, download and discuss those are the only tools you need to solve many many challenges.
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the second part is more important , this time I will make myself clear to the maximum . I will show that some of what you wrote is meaningless and insignificant and has no values but an art and the consequence of precipitation , superficiality and misunderstanding.

this is a stegano challenge but the image in the challenge page has no hidden data inside it .................................................and there is no other photo in the source code that is suspicious

"There are two main areas where data can be hidden in an image. The first is in the hex code. Get a hex editor and open the image, ............

I already did all what you wrote to me , word by word , before posting my message in your forum

"let me tell you that acceptance and respect is earned, not given. We respect those who try first and ask later" this means , according to your words , that you respect me because I tried at first then I posted my message.

but to tell you the truth : it do not care if you respect me or not . please do not respect me.

"Now, on the RevolutionElite forum I answered a query you left about a stegano which can be solved with some basic analysis" because no one need a hint about the stegano challenge . I can say too ,"Now, on the RevolutionElite forum you answered the query of many users left about a vital clues which can be solved with some basic analysis and although it is more easier than stegano challenge " if we follow your logic we will find that you unconsciously give me right because if the majority of users could not solve the vital clue which is more easier than stegano then they should all give up or you challenges are distorted otherwise how comes they are able to solve the difficult and not the easy or there is another explanation but you did not find it my friend

the explanation is this : you are unable to get my the meaning of my word so you misjudge me
how? I will tell you how

in your analysis you have two vulnerabilities:
the first is that you attribute the concept of easy and difficult , the right and the wrong , the true and the false TO YOURSELF which is very dangerous because these concepts are metaphysical and not scientifical , there is not something called easy , difficult , the right wrong , in computer science or meduim or average or hard , why because these are abstract notions , they cannot be measured by numbers. The consequence of this is that what is difficult for me is easy for you and vice versa
and this is why although you are higher in rank than Gizmore you cannot understand some of the challenge he made.

the second vulnerability is your arrogance , you did not know all what I tried so you cannot judge me and say : "Now, on the RevolutionElite forum". do not let your precipitation and misunderstandingg make you unjust.

and why I used tools , do you think you will make the Steganalysis with a pencil and a sheet of paper or what?

"then proceed to tell me that the image doesnt contain hidden data because your program told you so" absolutely wrong I did not tell you that because only stegspy told me so , but because I had doubt that there is a sort of obfuscation or may be the first image was only to distract me from another image that contain the password. Moreoever , if the stegspy and many programs said there is no hidden data why should I doubt in their result??? especially that I do not have the knowledge and skills of you
You dare to tell me to give up and especially "If you cant do that, then go away" . You do not make errors , you are perfect? this is what comes from a geniuse who read all these books and who has a very high rank !!!!!!! you was a newbie in the past, like me and like other noobies and newbies, now that you get the special rank and knowledge you give to yourself the right to piss on me because of an error of your misjudging , is not this a sign of immaturity from your part my friend??? you are a God to blame others???? you have your weak points and strong points

"Nobody here owes you hints. Nobody here HAS to explain challenges."

"explain challenges" you call the right hint explaining the challenge , you think I want the solution ??? do you have a fax???? I can fax to you to UK all my works and all the article and books I red on the internet so that you understand that I am not like you think I can fax all of them because whatever I say you will find an excuse to attack me because you understand superficially

finally , I will tell it again and again , before I posted anything until now I was blocked , and I posted it because I was blocked and I wanted only a right hint otherwise if you think it disturbs when I ask for the right hint then you can send me to learn and read and posses some knowledge and hacking techniques but CONCERNING THE CHALLENGE , and not in general.
if you are not convinced then feel free to ban me from your site Sabretooth , and thanks for the fun , I do not care because I know that my request is true and that I post only when I am blocked , I say my words even if the people do not like them , when your hint or other hints do not help me and I read ALL what is possible I will ask for another , either you want it or not either they want it or not
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(Jhype)"Research, download and discuss" this is what I am doing , but as I wrote before in many messages that I wanted the right clues , many like Sabretooth believed that I wanted the solution
and they keep believing in this . This is only stubborness and prejudices , you think Sabretooth , that I am so cheap or a cheater to ask for the solution !!!!!! read carefully , then , come and judge me
why should I held responsible for their inability to understand well what have been written by me
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quangntenemy you are totally right without any doubt , thanks
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the phrase double err triple-posting troll comes to mind. shit like this rantathon just ruins it for everyone. bottom line is if you spent 10% of the time thinking instead of ranting you would have solved it many times over.
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RE: odd
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"bottom line is if you spent 10% of the time thinking instead of ranting you would have solved it many times over."

define to me the word "thinking"

if you define it in the proper scientific and philosophical way , I will never ever post any message in any forum and I will never ask for any hint even if I am obliged to , even if it is a matter of life or death.

When you put a message like what I am seeing now , I conclude that

there are things which are million time far beyond your understanding , that you are still not ready.

But to refresh your thoughts , I will tell you something : hacking is a philosophy , a style of thinking , a style of living , a psychology , an art , a medicament , a feeling , this is the essence of hacking and not like you think " a classical , mechanical and mental interaction with a problem to solve it"

I am learn many things from the challenges of Sabretooth : I found my identity and myself through these challenges because every challenge is like a breath , it talks , it expresses , it speaks
as if in a theater as if like the dialectic of Hegel in which progression is nothing more than a conflict between opposites : if a state does not provoke its opposite , there is no progress

through Sabretooth challenges , I try to surpass myself through the spirit of the challenge and its mystery more than solving it


finally , by writing all these "ranting" I wanted to send a message to the most brilliant hackers in this site and in all sites which is " a genius who disable persons and is arrogant and abuse of his knowledge is never a genius and his ranking is a fact of chance and coincidence , look for example to many presidents in the world , they possess 90% of the wealth but , mentally , scientifically , they are the most degenerated , the most stupid and the most idiotic , the most illogic , the enemies of science and a poison to humanity. The more their wealth increases , the more their mental degenerates and become weak , distorted and delusive , ill in all sorts
why? because these are the creation of pure coincidence , of Absurdism ,NIHILISM and not ILLUMINATION , Enlightement , do you see the light rygar???

"real genius is the fruit of years and years of pain and once he reaches the high ranks he becomes a model for humanity , modest , wise and calm
And once you are awake, you shall remain awake eternally
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You smoked from the wrong place too ?
You just hang out with vbms, you guys would make a great couple.
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I love you strongard63 !
Where are you from by the way? You seem to be nicely swamped with philosophy Smile
WeChall, RevolutionElite, etc, have IRC channels where we hang out and attempt to have conversation, i'd be please to see you there ;)
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