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Downtimes  Go to the Training: Warchall - The Beginning challenge

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The creation of accounts was not working for a two days.
I get emails when there is a db error, so i could react in a reasonable time.

The reason for this was a full HD during some updates and compiling (still love gentoo)
mysql always deletes the table file then, which is weird, and quite annoying.

The services are all up to date again, and working as expected

Happy Challenging!
The geeks shall inherit the properties and methods of object earth.
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RE: Downtimes
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Again the registration was broken for a long time.
This time the problem was a startup error after upgrading to php5.5

There was no timezone set in the php.ini, and mysql is deprecated.
This resulted in stopping the cronjob before the logger was setup properly Sad

Thanks to haker500 for reporting it!

Happy Challenging!
The geeks shall inherit the properties and methods of object earth.
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RE: Downtimes
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martek discovered that the levels in /home/user/<yournick>/levels were gone.

I have fixed the problem on the server, and to get the levels created just reset your password in warchall-begins.

Happy Challenging!
The geeks shall inherit the properties and methods of object earth.
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