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RE: Comments on OverTheWire
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Perhaps a better place to ask about this is on the IRC channel of OTW.

Also: try not to spoil too much. ;)
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RE: Comments on OverTheWire
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If you go to sites, find overthewire, click on warboxes, you'll see a list of the targets. If you click on the number in the levels tab, you'll see the list of challenges, and the green ones are ones you've solved, and red you have not.
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RE: Comments on OverTheWire
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Can anyone give me a hint on how to register bandit26. I got the password but once im in the interactive shell if I try "wechall" it doesnt work..

EDIT by dloser: removed potential spoiler info.
Last edited by dloser - May 01, 2017 - 18:55:10
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RE: Comments on OverTheWire
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Not sure you have obtained a proper shell yet. Perhaps do that first. Smile PM me (here or on IRC) if you like.
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RE: Comments on OverTheWire
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Hi, I'm using windows 10 32 bits and it's not easy to update bandits or leviathan with the explanation found on:
If you are using putty, you should add in Connection -> Data:
2 environment variables:
WECHALLUSER "yourusername"
When you are connected, used wechall command
WECHALLUSER="yourusername" WECHALLTOKEN="yourwarchalltoken" wechall

Thanks dloser for the help!
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RE: Comments on OverTheWire
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Hi, thanks for your post but it seems that something is wrong on the server at least in leviathan challenge. When I try to use 'wechall' command, I get this error:
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/usr/local/bin/wechall", line 30, in <module>
ssl_sock.connect((host, port))
File "/usr/lib/python3.5/", line 1019, in connect
self._real_connect(addr, False)
File "/usr/lib/python3.5/", line 1006, in _real_connect
socket.connect(self, addr)
socket.gaierror: [Errno -3] Temporary failure in name resolution

Is there another way to submit the results?
Thanks in advance.
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RE: Comments on OverTheWire
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I think I read that there were some firewall issues on OTW. It will probably be fixed soon, but if you want to know more, visit the OTW IRC channel.
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RE: Comments on OverTheWire
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<title>Hacked by CONCURENCES!</title>
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RE: Comments on OverTheWire
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One helpful IRC/OTW user mentioned to me that OTW changed all password flags.

Until those changes are reflected here, and it is a problem, you can try to convert new flags to old flags.

I don't know which boxes this affects, but i better post it now than forgetting about it.

Happy Challenging!
- gizmore
The geeks shall inherit the properties and methods of object earth.
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RE: Comments on OverTheWire
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Hi, can anyone help troubleshoot natas?

It's not accepting the answer when I click the "submit token" button on the page. I've tried manually entering the token as well. Still, getting the "Doh', Your answer seems wrong!" reply. I've double checked the answers as well and it seems correct.

Does it work on your end?

It accepted my answers for 1-4 at the beginning of June but natas5 and natas6 is rejecting the answer.

Any help would be appreciated. Thanks!
Last edited by bluekafka - Jul 03, 2024 - 00:24:29
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