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Assuming I run a server which hosts ~200 websites. I know for sure that one is infected with a botnet. Can any of you think of a suitable way of detecting that particular site without having to analyze each website's source code ?
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RE: Botnet
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"infected with a botnet" could you expand on this more?
do you mean the website is running as part of the botnet,,,,
or it propagates the malware to spread the botnet?

if as part then could you listen for patterns with input/output? e.g. botnet C&C sends instructions and address/ip range, the site then acts on that.
chmod ---x--x--x,, i'm illiterate!
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RE: Botnet
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yeah, "infected by botnet" needs further explenation.

anywhy, if it's a script, you can find /home/*/public_html -type f -exec grep -H <something> {} \;
or if it's actualy connecting to the net, using lsof you can cross reference ports with full path names of files.
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