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where the challenge is??  Go to the Training: Warchall - The Beginning challenge

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where the challenge is??
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hdarwin@box1 ~ $ pwd
hdarwin@box1 ~ $ ls
WELCOME.txt level
hdarwin@box1 ~ $ ls -al level/
total 20
drwx---r-x 5 hdarwin hdarwin 4096 Jan 4 01:41 .
drwx------ 4 hdarwin hdarwin 4096 Jan 4 01:41 ..
drwx------ 2 hdarwin hdarwin 4096 Jan 4 01:41 4
drwx------ 2 hdarwin hdarwin 4096 Jan 4 01:41 5
drwx------ 2 hdarwin hdarwin 4096 Jan 4 01:41 6
hdarwin@box1 ~ $ ls level/4/
hdarwin@box1 ~ $ ls level/5/
hdarwin@box1 ~ $ ls level/6/
hdarwin@box1 ~ $

i can't find challenge binary..

where the challenge is??

often, finding challenge problem is problem in wechall..

it is unclear : (
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RE: where the challenge is??
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There are two types of challenges:

Private copied in: /home/<nick>/level
One public copy in: /home/level

The levels 1-6 are for users that are very new to linux.
More challenges would be welcome.

Happy Challenging!
The geeks shall inherit the properties and methods of object earth.
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RE: where the challenge is??
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Quote from Unknown

There are two types of challenges:

Private copied in: /home/<nick>/level
One public copy in: /home/level

above explanation is very obviously : )
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RE: where the challenge is??
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have you read the READMEs?
Last edited by stormsurfer - Jan 04, 2013 - 09:24:12
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RE: where the challenge is??
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RE: where the challenge is??
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The level folder in home directory seems to be empty.
Am I just doing it wrong and it is part of the challenge or is it a bug?

zeased@warchall ~ $ ls -al level/
insgesamt 8
drwx---r-x 2 zeased zeased 4096 15. Dez 2011 .
drwx------ 4 zeased zeased 4096 24. Mai 22:29 ..

Btw: Thanks for this site!
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RE: where the challenge is??
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Hmm no idea why the cronjob failed.
I ran a script manually and the levels should be there now.

Please note that other (shared) levels are in /home/level instead of /home/user/*/level

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RE: where the challenge is??
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read WELCOME.txt -_- !
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