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Am I on the right track?  Go to the Training: MySQL II challenge

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Am I on the right track?
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I used the following injection:

(Please feel free to edit if its revealing.)

But it doesn't seem to work. Am I close with respect to the injection?
Someone please help.

EDIT_BY_MOD: Yes you are close .... what happens with your input? read the source?
Last edited by gizmore - Oct 04, 2012 - 21:05:36
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RE: Am I on the right track?
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Thanks for replying.
Well, when I inject the query, I get the GDO Error (1064). I even tried the variations of the injection using * wildcard and also UNION, but failed.
And yes, I went through the source but it is way too hard to figure out the weakness in it since I am an absolute beginner.
I am looking for tutorials on the web though.
I'll keep trying.
But any further help or hint would be greatly appreciated considering me an absolute beginner.
Thank you.
Last edited by cat - Oct 05, 2012 - 16:38:51
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