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Fremes  Go to the Fremes challenge

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The challenge had a bug.

Your random secret key did not get saved properly when you quit the page during messages.

This got fixed and got kindly reported from ludde.

Thank you!
The geeks shall inherit the properties and methods of object earth.
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RE: Fremes
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The challenge seemed to be down for a while.
It hopefully got fixed and is worth a try: /challenge/FREMES.

Especially a nice one for matrixman, if he didn't solve it already *wink*

Happy Challenging!
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RE: Fremes
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Could anybody check if this one is still working?
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RE: Fremes
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It's working, just checked.
Also last solve was ~1 week ago. Good luck in solving it! Smile
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RE: Fremes
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I have only a black screen for FREMES.php .. Edge and Chrome :/
The geeks shall inherit the properties and methods of object earth.
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RE: Fremes
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It's ok with Firefox
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RE: Fremes
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This challenge seems to be down.

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<div class="gwf_errors">
<span class="gwf_err_t">GWF_HTTP</span>
<li>7 - Failed to connect to port 80: Connection timed out</li>

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Sadly the challenge is now broken. Please report it to gizmore to get fixed asap.
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RE: Fremes
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Thanks for the report.

The challenge should be fixed Smile
Good luck subverting the fremes!

- giz
The geeks shall inherit the properties and methods of object earth.
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