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solving by hand  Go to the Sudoku I challenge

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solving by hand
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i cant believe that somebody solved it by hand...
i wrote it on paper, than i wrote every possibilty in every field...
i solved 5 other fields...
i created a little tool which helps me to see all posible fields for a number.
you can see it at

the biggest problem is that there isn't a 1 and every field has at least 3 possibilities.

i think i'm able to solve some more fields, but how is it possible to solve the whole in 1-2 hours???
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Last edited by space - Sep 01, 2011 - 22:18:31
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RE: solving by hand
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Quote from space
Sep 01, 2011 - 22:17:48

i think i'm able to solve some more fields, but how is it possible to solve the whole in 1-2 hours???

I've been able to get 95 or so percent by hand before finding a contradiction, but that is a lot of hours. I have no idea how you could solve it in 1-2 hours. I will definitely be building a solver some weekend Smile
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RE: solving by hand
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i got 50% by hand and only numbers/letters for certain without guessing.
i do sudoku on a daily basis between jobs and only ever put pen to paper when i know it is 100% correct, the best thing to do when stuck is leave it half hour and you will find another entry within a minute.
chmod ---x--x--x,, i'm illiterate!
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RE: solving by hand
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How should the answer for this challenge be submitted? I have a correct answer, but I don't know how to enter it.

edit: Just found we should enter it as one string (with 13*13 characters), but it doesn't get accepted. Hmm ... is more than one solution possible?
edit1: I should read all topics first before asking. The solution is unique. I've also found the error in my solver.
Last edited by Martin Thoma - Sep 03, 2011 - 15:47:33
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RE: solving by hand
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i solved in similar way.

i used excel. i wrote all possible numbers in each cell, and removed impossible numbers logically.

i could finish it without any guessing. it takes about 4 hours ;(

try to find more logical methods!
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RE: solving by hand
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Quote from hahah
Sep 03, 2011 - 15:34:03

i used excel. i wrote all possible numbers in each cell, and removed impossible numbers logically.

i could finish it without any guessing. it takes about 4 hours ;(

Same thing I'm doing but not in Excel. Apparently I keep screwing up somewhere. Smile
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RE: solving by hand
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May I assume that the missing character is a "1"? It certainly could be any other, but I don't think that this is part of the problem?!
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