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The Nap
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I added another challenge from Z.
I think this is the 1st crypto here, and i hope you like it.

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For clarification about the "total number of possible configurations in bits" here is a short summary.
Im sorry if the original description is confusing:

The Enigma cipher machine consists of five variable components:
1. a plugboard which could contain from zero to thirteen dual-wired cables
2. three ordered (left to right) rotors which wired twenty-six input contact points to twenty-six output contact points positioned on alternate faces of a disc
3. twenty-six serrations around the periphery of the rotors which allowed the operator to specify an initial rotational position for the rotors
4. a moveable ring on each of the rotors which controlled the rotational behavior of the rotor immediately to the left by means of a notch
5. a reflector half-rotor (which did not in fact rotate) to fold inputs and outputs back onto the same face of contact points

Your goal is to calculate the total number of possible configurations for such an Enigma machine,
where you can make your own rotors, etc.

And finally a hint: If you cant solve this part by yourself, google is your best friend Smile

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RE: The Nap
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I don't understand how to go on with this. I know what the parts mean and how to configure my machine. But I don't understand what to write after the 1st letter of the given cipher. It would be great to have some hint here, because the key is changing from letter to letter. (if I wrote too much, feel free to edit this post).
Last edited by Jinx - Dec 25, 2010 - 14:07:13
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RE: The Nap
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Seems like the webpage changed it's content since the challenge was created.
This archive version should help:
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RE: The Nap
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Z, this is not the solution forum.
Contact only via c3BhY2VAd2VjaGFsbC5uZXQ= or PM...
Windows can be secure... but only if you don't use it Happy
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RE: The Nap
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The allies got a real enigma.
They knew how it worked.
The problem was missing config settings the germans did use.
Like the problem here.... config destroyed.

Maybe the link that Z showed was just an example of how it worked?

aHpp yhClaalgnni.g
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RE: The Nap
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I still have problem to calculate the key length... could you please PM me?
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RE: The Nap
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This is driving me up the wall. I bruteforced it several times with all possible rotor and reflector combinations and nothing remotely sensible comes up.

The letters are grouped into fours but all werhmacht enigma samples I found were grouped in fives. I only found groups of four in kriegsmarine messages, but those used different codesheets and had extra steps too, not to mention a fourth rotor and more rotor choices.

The message header has a 4 in what looks like the message length field but it can't be 4 letters long. Is the message key encoded with the pre- or the wartime procedure? The header has two triplets at the end suggesting wartime but the first five ciphertext letters do not correspond to any kengruppen of the day. But on the other hand there's no mention of a day's key that would suggest pre-war (not to mention the date being well into the war).

Finally is the plaintext even in German?
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RE: The Nap
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I cannot help much, but i think i can tell that no marine is involved.

Keep things simple, i guess :/

I don't know but i think the plaintext should be english (not 100% sure)

- gizmore
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RE: The Nap
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Quote from gizmore
I don't know but i think the plaintext should be english (not 100% sure)

It is not English.
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