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no... it's not me Drool

I think that S0410N3 stop NembieContest.. I don't think this is a aprilfool...

NC is over for now...

And i'm not enough stronger for Hack NC Drool

I'm just a newbie Smile
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"La mer c'est dégueulasse, les poissons baisent dedans".

fishy ;)
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/me hate S0410N3 Drool
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RE: Comments on Newbie Contest
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I updated all 311 users for NewbieContest..

All players that got more than 100% of the points possible have been assigned site master. Also their score has been clamped to 100%.
The geeks shall inherit the properties and methods of object earth.
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RE: Comments on Newbie Contest
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I have a problem. Happy I found the robot.txt in the root and their was an directory. So i go to this directory and now i am blocked for a while Happy

Lien anti-aspirateur, merci de ne pas cliquer.
Votre accès au site a été temporairement bloqué : l'utilisation de scanners de sites est interdite.

very funny ^.^
The site is cool, but i hate to translate all the time. But it is OK
Last edited by TheVamp - Jan 12, 2011 - 12:16:13
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RE: Comments on Newbie Contest
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Quote from TheVamp
Jan 12, 2011 - 12:15:23
So i go to this directory and now i am blocked for a while Happy

It's a protection against scanners. Note that it's not a trap : there is at least 2 or 3 warnings before beeing blocked.
Be patient, the ban goes for only 12 or 24 hours, if I remember well.
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RE: Comments on Newbie Contest
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I linked my account on NewbieContest to WeChall and received this error:
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RE: Comments on Newbie Contest
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I can't see any logs showing that the wechall server called the newbiecontest server, therefore I assume that the issue lies on wechall side.
Gizmore, feel free to pm me if you see anything wrong on newbiecontest.
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RE: Comments on Newbie Contest
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Thank you for the report, trietptm.
It seems this was a glitch, and i suspect the server ran out of memory (there is a leak in the ssh warchall scoring daemon).

According to the code, your error is not reachable by normal means:
Maybe there could be a challenge abusing memory consumption Happy

The geeks shall inherit the properties and methods of object earth.
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Out of memory ? I am not sure. However, the server has been upgraded some days ago, and it didn't work very well. The database was down during one hour or two and it could explain the parse error.

Trieptm, when did you try to link your account ? Can you retry now ?
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