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Unable to send form  Go to the Out of the Cloud challenge

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Unable to send form
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I'm getting this error when I try to submit the solution (or anything else, if that matters):

Your formular token is invalid. Maybe you tried to double post, or your session ran out of time meanwhile.

I tried logout, erasing browsers cache and also using different browser, all without success. Can you check this out? Thx.
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RE: Unable to send form
Google/translate1Thank You!1Good Post!0Bad Post! link
I searched like 20 minutes for the error, then noticed i was missing "include 'html_foot.php'".
The sessions for that page did not get saved because of this.

Thank you for reporting it.

Edit: BAALs and your avatar seems to be messed up. Is that on purpose? Smile
The geeks shall inherit the properties and methods of object earth.
Last edited by gizmore - Apr 06, 2011 - 00:50:54
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