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RE: Comments on Gekkó
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I think both of you made the same mistake: the task is get access, in other words pass the login screen. I know that this challenge is more complicated than a usual first task, but gekko is not about having tons of simple, well known tasks that all of you have done zillion times.

Also it gets harder and harder with every level, and all levels require a different toolset/ideas. There is no much hacking involved, it's not an other, there is some, but for example the second level is math, then comes some crypto (which is effectively programming) etc.

I hope that I can do something about the translation, but I really don't have time...but stay tuned guys, I might be able to do it incrementally.
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RE: Comments on Gekkó
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With respect:

Quote from encse
Mar 16, 2011 - 20:26:22

the task is get access, in other words pass the login screen.

As usual.

Quote from encse
Mar 16, 2011 - 20:26:22

I know that this challenge is more complicated than a usual first task

Not in all cases, but 90% of the time, yes.

Quote from encse
Mar 16, 2011 - 20:26:22

but gekko is not about having tons of simple, well known tasks that all of you have done zillion times.

I like uniqueness. I too in my site try to achieve this. Quite happy to hear this point.

Quote from encse
Mar 16, 2011 - 20:26:22

Also it gets harder and harder with every level

Something which I personally avoid. I find that if challenges are ordered easy - hard then some users will try the first few and not really give the last ones a look due to thinking they are hard without even trying. Again using my site as an example, I think my first challenge is much harder than the two or three following it and my latest (challenge 50) is probably one of the easiest on the site. The hard ones are spread out in there.

Quote from encse
Mar 16, 2011 - 20:26:22

and all levels require a different toolset/ideas.

Good. Not sure what you mean by toolset though. I'm really hoping you dont mean, plug this into a tool/script and get your answer.

Quote from encse
Mar 16, 2011 - 20:26:22

There is no much hacking involved, it's not an other

As not to offend anyone, I won't comment on this.

Quote from encse
Mar 16, 2011 - 20:26:22

for example the second level is math, then comes some crypto (which is effectively programming) etc.

As usual.

Quote from encse
Mar 16, 2011 - 20:26:22

I hope that I can do something about the translation, but I really don't have time...but stay tuned guys, I might be able to do it incrementally.

I hope so too. I'm looking forward to trying this.

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RE: Comments on Gekkó
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The fisrt chapter works well (fine?). It is just necessary to understand the context and to exploit informations.

And yes, the chapter 2 is very hard without a good understanding of the Hungarian... Especially with the system of points...
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RE: Comments on Gekkó
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Just FYI: I've started the translation. I have almost finishef everything for the framework, and translated some parts of the site. Meanwhile theron reached the 7th chapter. I'm not sure if he speaks Hungarian though...
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RE: Comments on Gekkó
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It was quite a struggle as I'm not speaking Hungarian, but it's doable (with Google translator). Whole new kind of challenge to figure out what the actual challenge is. Nevertheless good to hear that you're working on the translation.
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RE: Comments on Gekkó
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And otherwise do you like the challenges? How would you rate them? (difficulty, fun, etc)
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RE: Comments on Gekkó
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Quote from encse
Apr 02, 2011 - 23:23:13

And otherwise do you like the challenges? How would you rate them? (difficulty, fun, etc)

Honestly, the language is a pretty big barrier for me. Because of that, I've not played much of the site, so I can't really say what I think of the challenges themselves. I am very glad you are translating them though and I'll head back to the site very soon. Smile
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RE: Comments on Gekkó
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The challenges are of high quality, well presented and thought out. I was expecting more of a storyline, though. Maybe that's where my translation isn't good enough.
They are not too easy, but I wouldn't say that they get harder and harder. There are tough ones, though.

I found getting what the challenge is about more rewarding than actually solving it. With (till now) two exceptions of problems that I found really hard, but fun to figure out.

All in all great site! Thanks, encse!
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RE: Comments on Gekkó
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I'm glad you like it. If you have problems with understanding what to do, just ask a question in the last forum you've unlocked. I'll delete or move it to the english forum later on.
Congrats for solving ACGT. Now onto the final boss Smile
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RE: Comments on Gekkó
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Hi challengers,
I received a request for a translation of level 2. I thought it might be a good idea to share it with you, since it certainly ain't part of the riddle to understand the wording given by an online translator... It was hard for me, too. But as I said, it shouldn't be about understanding the task this time.

So here is my translation of the interesting part:
Bonnie and Clyde met at a hollow tree. Bonnie then started walking to the bridge (marked with H in the diagram) while counting her steps. As she reached the bridge, she turned left and repeated the same number of steps and stopped there. Meanwhile Clyde headed towards the nearby mill (marked M) also counting his steps. Clyde turns right at the mill and also walked up the same distance in his new direction.
After both robbers reached their positions, they turn towards each other and begin to walk. The point where they finally meet is the one, where they buried the loot. For this riddle you can assume, Bonnie and Clyde are on the same pace, so they meet exactly halfway.

Can you imagine where to find the loot, even without knowing the position of the hollow tree?

As I am not a native english speaker, there might be some improvements to make, but I guess it is enough to understand the problem. Google-Translate makes the bridge turn left, but its actually Bonnie who turns left.

Last edited by tripleedged - Apr 27, 2011 - 01:10:03
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