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RE: Comments on W3Challs
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Quote from awe
Mar 22, 2011 - 00:37:35

You're right, there was a misc char in the request that I didn't see...
Everything is reverted, and fixed Smile

I just saw error after solving a challenge. I didn't notice it until after I clicked to vote so I couldn't copy the message, but it was something like "fatal error wechall_login..." I will copy it if I see it again.
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Auto-update seems to be working now. Thanks.
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RE: Comments on W3Challs
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W3Challs is down since a couple of days...
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RE: Comments on W3Challs
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Quote from MrBlueSky
Apr 01, 2011 - 13:43:56

W3Challs is down since a couple of days...

I think it may have been down for longer than that. I've been on a trip for about 6 days and I noticed problems with the site before I left. Its hard to say for sure, though, since I'm so out of touch right now.
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It should be back tonight, I hope.
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RE: Comments on W3Challs
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Quote from awe
Apr 01, 2011 - 16:49:18

It should be back tonight, I hope.

Excellent, thanks!
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Wut, my previous post disappeared. I guess I confused "edit" with "delete", shame on me...

Well, there are still a few things to fix, but the site is back ! Smile
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Now let's celebrate and solve the last steganography problem Smile.
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RE: Comments on W3Challs
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I'm having trouble linking my account from W3Challs to WeChall - when I try I get this message on my WeChall account page:

The Username/EMail combination does not seem to exist on W3Challs.

Just me or is there a problem? I've enabled the "WeChall Auto-Update" feature on the W3Challs site fwiw.
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RE: Comments on W3Challs
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So, a while back W3Challs was linked on wechall with a https link, which failed at some point because wechall attempted to synchronise with the API using SSLv3 only (disabled on W3).
Thus I had to change it back to http. Recently W3Challs disabled http altogether (redirecting to https with HSTS on), which I guess is the where the problem is.
Since wechall apparently fixed its SSLv3 issues, I just fixed the link to https, which hopefully will work for you Smile
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