Restrict session to IP 

right?  Go to the PHP 0815 challenge

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Hi guys, I am not php expert, so be kind to meSmile It seems that problem with the code is that it uses in_array function and it doesn't check the input correctly. I can pass whatever and the sql statement gets printed as output. Should there be modified that part of code with foobar function? thanks PS.: delete the comment if I said to muchSmile
Last edited by gizmore - Jul 04, 2010 - 14:00:09
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Yeah maybe a bit too much.
I edited your post and checked your assumptions afterwards.
It seems like you were wrong though.

There is one position/var which obviously needs to get fixed :x
You can do it with very few chars.

Good Luck Smile
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Thanks Gizmore, found the right pathSmile
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RE: right?
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It's not accepted, but wouldn't do XXXXX the trick?:

"SELECT 1 FROM `table` WHERE `id`=".XXXX$showX ;

Edited by gizmore:
You are very close.
btw it's XXXXX not XXXXX to XXXX a XXX to an XXX. ;)
The final solution does your idea with just two chars, but with the correct syntax you should already get different messages, saying you are close.

Good Luck!
Last edited by gizmore - Jun 22, 2011 - 00:16:08
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