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Comments on Tools & Design

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RE: Comments on Tools & Design
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This site's admin has created a new site for hacking challenges:

"Things have changed, I'm not sure what I'm planning to do with Tools & Design.
The thing is that I've created a new site for the hack challenges, which is a better version of the hack challenges on this site.
For now I'm not sure in which direction I'm heading with Tools & Design, however it will have absolutely nothing to do with hacking.

For now everything is still accessible until further notice"
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RE: Comments on Tools & Design
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Marked site as down. Unless anyone has problems with it, I suggest marking it as dead. The scores are minimal, so that shouldn't be an issue.
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RE: Comments on Tools & Design
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The site is up and running @
I guess it should be set back as active.
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RE: Comments on Tools & Design
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It's not the same site and it hasn't implemented the WeChall API. Are the challenges of any quality by now?
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RE: Comments on Tools & Design
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It seems nobody but the author solved more than 30+ challenges out of 80+, so one couldn't simply answer that Happy. lord0ric seems to have solved quite a few, but probably on the old site. As far as I can guess, at least the first challenges are identical. Maybe someone should try contact the owner?
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RE: Comments on Tools & Design
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I'm the admin of the site, sorry for all the confusion.
Tools & Design, as you seem to know, is down for several years already. The hosting provider stated what I was doing was illegal.

After some time I decided to register a new domain, changed the old layout, squashed some bugs etc.

A couple of days ago I also rewrote the scripts "validatemail.php" and "userscore.php", the funny thing is that remoteupdate.php was still active all the time.
So after I was finished I contacted WeChall using the contact form, I still haven't gotten any reply, so decided to check out the site and stumbled upon this thread that was updated recently to my surprise.

In a nutshell:
- Tools & Design( doesn't exist anymore, it's now THC Hack Challenges(
- all accounts from the old site are still there

Also, in the near future I'll host hacking tournaments on this site where you can win cash prizes(PayPal).

Hope I made some things clear. ;)

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Any progress on this one? Site is still marked as dead
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It seems this one is back online.
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Maybe we should flag it as active again?

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In theory, we could, probably.
In practice, currently, registration seems broken, so I can't really test it (always says "IP address has already been used for a registration" - and yes, I tried with a different IP)

- score url seems to work
- mail validation url I can't test
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