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World of Wargame

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World of Wargame
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Hello, I want to join wechall, but first of all, I want to know your opinion, the last year I launched a subdomain on my website called "wow" (an alias of world of wargame), I developed a system that has the next features:
* give the oportunity to the user to buy a hint
* the user can translate the description of the challenge to any language
* links to the forum
* a summary of the challenge made by the author
* resolutions made by other users
* we have too a section called "Recursos" where the people can read some articles made by us (6 to the moment)
* links to interesting websites and challenges not included in the oficial challenges

We have 80 challenges in seven categories (kryptos, steganos, recognizes the image, captchas, programming, web and miscelaneous), most of them are in the steganos category.

We have too 856 resolutions by the users and 423 hints purchased.

The site has an ajax system (Very fast system), if you want to turn off the ajax version, is as simple as clicking the button that is located in the upper left corner.

If the site likes people then I really want to join wechall.
To register an user go to ( or, there are seven inputs, some of them are: login is the hidden ID that is not visible in any part of the site, Nombre visible en el torneo is the visible name, Contraseña is the password of the user, País is the country, and Código is the captcha code. An email is sent to activate the account.
Last edited by hds - Jan 13, 2010 - 22:02:53
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World of Wargame
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Hi HaDes,

I'm already registered in your page since some days (maybe you noticed it already).
Maybe you should make the whole site in english? I almost solved a lot of challenges or know what to do / what it is, but can't figure out the solution Sad
It's very hard for me as a non-spanish guy Smile

But I think your site looks really great, and I'm having fun with it.

Just my 2 cents,
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Hi Jinx, the site was made to the spanish public, because we don't have a spanish wargame with a high quality, I wish to make the better spanish site to learn about computer things, but yesterday I add some words in english to people who know english can be guided easier, I can translate somethings but all the site is impossible to me. You can test with the GTranslate button, it translates the description of the challenge, if you have some troubles with the answers think that almost of them are in spanish, if you are stuck you're free to post your question in the forum (Every challenge has a link to the forum, and you have to be registered in the forum to post, if you want to do the automatic registration first you have to register in the website, then log in, and then clicking in the big orange button appears in the main)
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World of Wargame
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I put World of Wargame into "coming_soon" section recently.

Also has been put into the graveyard.

Happy Challenging!
The geeks shall inherit the properties and methods of object earth.
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World of Wargame
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i hope see it soon, is a great site. Smile

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