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Help anyone?  Go to the Enlightment challenge

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RE: Help anyone?
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i have solved the first part but now i have no idea what i must do by the second part.
I know the second part is similar to the first, but when i make the same think at the second
part, i have no idea what the result is or what i have to do whit it.

Anybody have a little Hint for me?
Thanks XcrAckX
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RE: Help anyone?
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Try different operators for the 2nd part Smile
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RE: Help anyone?
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I have reached the second phase. But, I got stuck there!. How similar is the second phase and is it somehow related to the first one?

Edıt:Sorry I didnt see the most recent comments. I will try some more

Last edited by elasolova - Jun 22, 2012 - 02:52:00
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RE: Help anyone?
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Finally!! Mission accomplished. Smile
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