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RE: after scan.........
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Now i have a problem whit level 7.
I have tryed many thinks, but only one of those are whit 7 Words and 4 Signs.
But I think that this is wrong.
Has anyone some little hint for me or can i send someone my solution whit the7 words?
Last edited by XcrAckX - Apr 03, 2012 - 10:23:15
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Send me your solution.
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also stuck on level 7. If I use just the command without arguments, will it also say 'yes, you have to use...' or will it say unknown command?
I tried so many commands found on none worked.
And to get this right, I have to add a *windows* user, not a mssql user?
I hate windows.
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ok, found the command. Was typing it in caps so it didn't find it.
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well, my command isn't working. I'm pretty sure it's the correct one. has 49 chars including spaces, 7 words, 4 special chars and you find it a lot in google, I'm still getting 'yes you have to use ...'
is the level working? Can I PM someone?
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The level is working fine here.
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help with lvl 3?
edit: nvm i had a typo in the command..

now im stuck on 11... i dont know which host i have to use
Last edited by Abinmorth - Jul 09, 2013 - 19:36:28
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Then you should think about what you did so far and what you are supposed to do and you should become enlighted as to what to do, it is really easy. Smile
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oh yeah it *was* easy
thx for the nudge in the right direction
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RE: after scan.........
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Who can i message if my answer for level 7 is right? i'm stuck on it, i think i have the right answer but it doesn't accept it.
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