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Anyone know how one can find out which email address they used to sign up to aspect 2 ? (or a way to change it would be just as good Happy)
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Currently there is no way to change email. Sad
To be honest we knew this problem would arise.
I hope we can do something about this.

The geeks shall inherit the properties and methods of object earth.
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Not to worry - i've just created a new account on there. It's not like there were many levels fortunately. Ta, xmadx
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Not sure if this could be a bug. The post was created by xmadx. But in the listing, the creator is displayed as Gizmore.
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The create-site function also creates an empty thread for comments, linked to the sites overview. Currently the thread creator is the one who added the site.

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Hm, there are only 2 challenges, but your score is determined as if there were 10?

@Gizmore, what Sphinx means is that in the overview it says the last post is from Gizmore, no matter who reallt made the latest post in this thread.
Last edited by Kender - Apr 04, 2008 - 18:23:24
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I changed the scores for Aspect a bit.
Before the change you could reach max 22%(lvl 2/9) of around 19000 points
now maxscore is 2 for aspect, so you can get 50 and 100%.
I set basescore to 2000, which reduced the max reachable score slightly.
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Any news from Aspect ? The site seems to be down since a week, maybe more...
Last edited by lordOric - Jul 18, 2008 - 00:05:31
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The aspect server died in a harddrive crash.
Although some things could have been recovered, i do not know the state of aspect games.

Ill ask about it and take action

Greets Gizmore
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Anything new from Aspect? Will the site be online again?
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