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Hello Dear Challengers Smile

Today we got email about a french challenge site wants to join wechall.

Would be great if some people would tell us their opinion about the site

They have 28 challenges by now, and seem to be completely in french.

Any opinion is welcome Smile

Happy Challenging

PS: Excpect to be linkable any _soon_ ;)
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This challenge site is very, very easy.
And a lot of the challenges seem to come from newbiecontest.
I think this is just an attempt from the webmaster to boost his dead website.
Sorry, but I don't like that.
Last edited by lordOric - May 08, 2009 - 13:41:35
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I'm sure you should add it to wechall.At the end,not Aspect or Hispabyte are better then this one,so go with number 24.xD
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I agree with lordOric.
This site is extremely easy.
Moreover I've solved most of challenges, so I can say that challenges there are not interesting.
Btw I regret to be registered there.

Finally, given the level of the site and its challenges, I think it is pretentious to call it "white hat QG"...
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I agree with Hertz,

we already have some sites that might not be "quality", and i see no reason why not list and score here.

However, i would set the score to very low then, maybe a basescore of 1000-2000.

I wonder if all could agree to that. Smile

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Generally too easy usual challs. Someones clearly come from others challenge sites.
This site was created in march 2008. Not a real success, if I trust the number of challengers and the number of posts (except quito's ones)...
And our friend quitoboss made yesterday an SQL injection attack on NewbieContest shoutbox. Not very ethical, mmmhhh ?

So, I vote NO !
Last edited by CommComm - May 11, 2009 - 18:41:36
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There seem to be 3 options what to do, so i tried to create a poll.

You can vote only once so be careful when pressing the buttons.

Edit: We can still even create a new category if we score the site or link to it.
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Last edited by gizmore - May 11, 2009 - 21:09:21
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I think that this poll is a good idea Smile
Last edited by awe - May 11, 2009 - 21:27:54
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I can t vote.
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