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Thanks, John_W.

@m13253: I am struggling with how to provide a hint without giving it away. The challenge is not that complicated in that it takes a very few steps to solve it, once you get the right idea. So, it is hard to give a hint without (mostly) just giving it away.
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Quote from John
Feb 28, 2011 - 17:13:16

@Shadum: Rewind lets you re-solve any challenge, but you don't have to solve this to proceed where you left - you can go back to level 1 and then directly to leve 30 or wherever you have been before.

@m13253: The only hint that can be given is that you need to allow yourself access - and even that hint gives away too much.

@Shadum: `Rewind' lets you can `jump' to any level you have done (you can jump to any level by selecting the number on the left bar, maybe you'll click for serval times.)

@John W: I got your idea, however I always got 500 error, maybe I had incorrect syntax. I searched for introductions on `.htaccess' file, but I found nothing helping me. So I posted here to ask for help. What I need now, is how to edit my `.htaccess', cauz I really know little on it. You can mail me. Thanks.
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Quote from m13253
Mar 01, 2011 - 15:53:10

@John W: I got your idea, however I always got 500 error, maybe I had incorrect syntax. I searched for introductions on `.htaccess' file, but I found nothing helping me. So I posted here to ask for help. What I need now, is how to edit my `.htaccess', cauz I really know little on it. You can mail me. Thanks.

I don't think anyone here is going to tell you, specifically, how to edit the .htaccess file. I hope that is not what you are asking for.

There is a lot of information about .htaccess online though. Google returns pages and pages of results, and the information you need is there. A couple of times now you've asked for help because you "know little on" .htaccess, but that is exactly the problem. To solve this, you need to learn how .htaccess authentication works. You need to understand it. If you know how .htaccess works the challenge isn't that hard. You can start with Apache's own documentation: Apache Tutorial: .htaccess files. And honestly, you don't need to know very much-- just the basics-- to get this one.

Also, when I rewind and go to the challenge, the .htaccess editor box is populated with what looks to be the solution. I think it was empty at the start of the challenge, is that right?
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You are on the right track, but I'd suggest that you edit your post and delete what you tried. You wouldn't want to give something away, even by accident. My feeling is that you should privately PM that sort of information to someone who has already solved the challenge, rather than post it publicly.

I'll think more about hints when I have more time.
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Come on guys, don't use the "Comments on ..." for hints to challenges.
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Quote from Kender
Mar 02, 2011 - 07:58:21

Come on guys, don't use the "Comments on ..." for hints to challenges.

I didn't realize that was not allowed. Are you asking that we do not provide hints at all for other challenge sites or that we take it to another thread?
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I checked the "Terms of use".
I was quite sure there was a paragraph about hinting for other sites, but there is none. (adding a note soon)

Of course you shall not spoil any challenge, especially none of another sites.
For the hint discussion, i am not sure if hax.tor site would like it to discuss challenges and give hints publicy here. Probably not.

So, maybe next time try to be way more vague, m13253.
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Can anyone who has completed level 49 verify that it is working if it is not too much trouble? I can't tell if my ISP is screwing things up for me or not.
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I tried this one again last night and also cannot get it to work, so I too would like an answer to adkatrit's question, if someone would be so kind.
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I have just solved this one, so I can confirm that is it working now.
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