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Error - No space left on device  Go to the Eigentor challenge

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Error - No space left on device
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The website is currently broken, apparently the disk is full.
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RE: Error - No space left on device
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Thanks for report.

The reason for the exhausted diskspace were automated backups from some phpgdo projects.
I cleaned up a bit to discover that the database made a booboo too.

I think i messed up completely and installed a fresh mariadb and the challenges and sites freshly.

Anyway, i guess the affected challenges should work as expected again.

- gizmore
The geeks shall inherit the properties and methods of object earth.
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RE: Error - No space left on device
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I'm not surprised at all that gizmore + db_backup = boom still holds true
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RE: Error - No space left on device
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It might be a fundamental law of the universe. Some even think it was the cause of the big bang...
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