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Any clue on level 4?  Go to the Training: Regex challenge

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Any clue on level 4?
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hey guys, can anyone tell me why i failed on Regex level 4 ?
I tried my expression /^[^\.]*/ , it worked on test tool, but failed on this site.
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RE: Any clue on level 4?
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"... could you please capture the filename, without extension, too?"

So you have to still do what was needed for level 3, but now also capture (not just match) a part of the filename. Your expression doesn't do either.

(Also, that backslash is not needed.)
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RE: Any clue on level 4?
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Thank you, dloser, for sharing keyword capture etc. As the top player, you probably have lots of important things to do everyday I guess.
Appreciate your generously guidance !
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