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How bout adding some information wether the site is auto-updating scores?
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Yes, this is on todo for a looong time.
Problem is we do not know exactly which sites do that.

If you know for sure a site does, please simply post its name here.
ill do the start:

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I'll think adding thiislegal would be alright..
Seems they're just switching to auto-update..
Encountered an error today in one challenge and php said sth like "wechal.php not found; function update() not found" Drool
However their other challenges are working with auto-update since today, that's why I came across this 'suggestion'
Was wondering why updating score didnt take any effect..
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I finally got round to updating the "Update your stats" form.
It now shows the auto-update status of the sites, and in general should be less confusing to use.
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