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show me the way- I do the rest  Go to the Training: No DNS challenge

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show me the way- I do the rest
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Hi there. I would like to ask for help in this DNS training. how to understand what is need to be done?I don`t even know where to start.
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Hi Corellian!

The goal is to request a page from wechall but using the URL given in the challenge description instead. Depending on your setup, you might be able to achieve this in a few different ways.

Some suggestions on good things to look up:

* How URLs work (what is a URL? what is a host?)
* How the Domain Name System works
* How the HTTP protocol works with regard to hosts
* How to mess with the above on your specific operating system

And remember that even if something doesn't directly read to a solution, if you're learning things, you're doing just the right thing Smile

Good luck!
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Hi chrysoberyl.
I really appreciate your effort and your time. That was exactly the hints, which I asked for. I don`t wanted the whole solution but the way, how to solve it. I will keep you updated of what I`m learned and hopefully I will be able to solve this puzzle. Thank you again and have a good time Smile
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I have found the ip. But I could not go further. I need a small hint.
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RE: show me the way- I do the rest
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chrysoberyl gave very helpful hints on what the challenge's about. As they've said, you need to access a page from WeChall, but somehow you must use the URL provided. I'd add that it's not necessary to request any external sites to solve this challenge.

Doesn't the URL look oddly similar to a certain something?
Last edited by fsharp - Nov 11, 2022 - 13:59:01
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