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Happy Spring Break  Go to the LoFi challenge

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Happy Spring Break
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This challenge is not exploit, it is really just like guesswork, but maybe you like it.

- gizmore
The geeks shall inherit the properties and methods of object earth.
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RE: Happy Spring Break
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Quote from gizmore
Apr 30, 2022 - 02:48:26

This challenge is not exploit, it is really just like guesswork, but maybe you like it.

- gizmore

hi long time.

i found the id and password for
and now, so many mp3 and etc are there... file structures.
get lo fi ???
how can i find the answer for the chall ?? ---> finally. i got the answer.. just simple answer as password ^^.
good day...
Last edited by sisyang - Aug 31, 2023 - 08:07:48
Global Rank: 228
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RE: Happy Spring Break
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LoFi because it can help to get music in a lowcost environment... just in case

Happy Hacking!
The geeks shall inherit the properties and methods of object earth.
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