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Length of the solution  Go to the Connect the Dots challenge

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Is the answer a 9-letter text?
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Quote from StarkHalo

Is the answer a 9-letter text?

No Smile
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what should we do in this......
only connet the dots or somethine else like morse code, this stegno..
what to do........
just a little helpppppp
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Is not morse,binary or a stegano challenge.Just see.
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it's not steg, it's something else. just look at the pic, get the correct association and see the invisible ;)
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As unleaSHHed said, this is not a stego challenge, but similar.
I wouldn't say 'see the invisible' cos it's right in your face,
but yeah, 'you need to get the correct association'

And no, you don't solve this by thinking up all sorts of weird
logical possibilities of connecting the dots. Actually the name
is a misnomer.

I'd rather say that some of you must've already solved this kind
of chall sometime st some other chall sites, but you 'cant get the
correct association' with this one.

You might wanna rack your brains and try to remember if you've seen
those dots somewhere? Probably on some site that's 'the largest and
most popular general reference work on the Internet'? Smile

PS: By the way, StarkHalo, you're getting close. If the other's can
figure out how he calculated the length of the solution, you might
get a better idea about the chall Smile
Last edited by xyberz09 - Oct 11, 2009 - 10:19:22
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you little dots are killing me!!!!!!!!!!! bad dots...
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what to do```````what to do
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RE: Length of the solution
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Is the answer only a 2-letter text?
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I sense there are more than 2 letters, but not much more ;)
The geeks shall inherit the properties and methods of object earth.
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